$490.72 crowdfunded from 138 people

$3,586.93 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
An open-sourced dApp offering ad-free, non-intrusive petitions and manifestos with a "Share to Earn" model to reward users for advocating causes and privacy-focused features. is the first open-sourced dApp dedicated to Petitions, Manifestos and Open-letters. We call them « Pacts ». We don’t collect and sell your data, no ads, no tracking – You can express yourself without censorship but with kindness and respect for others and for their freedom of thought. We are developing a « Share to Earn » protocol allowing anyone to be rewarded for the new signatures they bring to a Pact. The campaign budget of a Pact is distributed to those who make the effort to increase its influence. The promotion of a Pact is stimulated by Users and not by Marketing tools that are using personal data. With, communities can grow, not through the use of intrusive marketing tools or the resale of personal data, but through the power of advocacy by all and for all. We believe in those close to us, those we trust, those who truly know us. A recommendation to join a cause that comes from our loved ones is much stronger than an incentive to sign a document by email! This is what does. By design, we reward those who mobilize communities around causes. Through Manifestos, we allow DAOs to submit their ideology, philosophy and deep values. We submit these manifestos for an onchain signature, even for those who have never heard of « Web3 » or « Wallet ». And we are planning APIs, SDK, and support to make this functionality easily integrated into another Web Site. We are ready to launch a Podcasts stream where the Pacts’ creators would be invited to talk about their cause. A songs’ playlist is also proposed to users to help them in the creation of Social media Posts. A Pact updates notification system is also provided so that signatories who subscribe can be kept informed. We are also setting up to use AI, automation and scheduling functionalities, and partnership to facilitate communication around a Pact. For example: proposal for tweets, posts for social networks, memes, but also swags dedicated to a Pact through third parties. datas are stored and accessible trough composeDB backed by All comments on a Pact are managed by an Orbis integration. User can chose to sign a pact publicly or anon, and soon, privately. Thanks to lit protocol, users can seamlessly connect without prior knowledge of web3 using an email or their google account enabling a trust-less and secure connection to To summarize, is one of the tools for Advocacy. We develop in open source, and we want to make it a common good, accessible to all, for free. We consider it as a tool for community expression where rewarded advocacy is the engine of growth, but without the perverse and hidden side of personal data business. A tool where large foundations, companies or even states have the same weight as everyone else. We made this for people expression, we made this with our heart and our deep beliefs. This is our cry for change! History

  • accepted into OpenCivics Genesis Round 7 months ago. 59 people contributed $244 to the project, and $3,166 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago. 79 people contributed $247 to the project, and $421 of match funding was provided.

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