Mechanism Institute

$2,709.60 crowdfunded from 257 people

$5,741.11 received from matching pools

average score over 8 application evaluations
Think tank developing and studying coordination mechanisms; features a library of 130+ design patterns, various tools for mechanism ROI analysis, and seminars on practical strategy application.

Accelerate our research output and advance the spread of positive-sum coordination mechanisms!

Mechanism Institute is a think tank that advances building blocks for digital-age institutions. We bring together builders and researchers to study, develop, simulate, and deploy coordination mechanisms that prioritize people and positive-sum outcomes.

The Library

Our current centerpiece is the Mechanism Library, a compendium of over 130 mechanism design patterns and 300+ implementation examples. We're actively working to add detailed write-ups for each entry that describe its background, advantages, drawbacks, design considerations, and in-depth case-studies that show how the mechanism has been used in practice.

New Research

This library is just the beginning. We've already begun to introduce a range of tools and resources for navigating the vast landscape of mechanism design possibilities. Here is some recent progress on this front:

Mechanism Institute History

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