Lattice Protocols

Lattice Protocols

Open-source collaborative protocols for systemic issues, enables connections among initiatives, offering design, advisory, and implementation services focused on civic innovation.
Applied on: 14 Nov 2023 10:59 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 02:39 PM
Projects are creating impact through public goods, civic service, civic works, civic innovations or civic utilities.
Lattice Protocols is focused on creating open-source collaborative protocols to solve systemic problems, which aligns with the impact through civic innovations and public goods.
Projects exhibit clear relevance to the broad framing of civic innovation (What is civic innovation? )
The project aims to contribute to civic innovation by providing design processes and advisory services in distributed technologies for systems change, fitting the definition of civic innovation.
At least one project steward is a member of OpenCivics consortium (Application link: )
There is no provided information indicating whether a project steward is a member of the OpenCivics consortium.
Project team size and skills correlates to use of funds and desired impact.
Without specific information on the team size, their skills, and financial plans, it is not possible to assess the correlation to use of funds and intended impact.
Project demonstrates a clear track record of previous work.
The project description mentions contributions to civic innovation, but there is no concrete evidence of a track record, such as project outcomes, milestones reached, or prior accomplishments.