AstroCenter Subsystem
Applied on: 8 May 2024 10:03 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 8 May 2024 11:03 PM
Funding Sources: Gitcoin
The project application lists Gitcoin as its source of funding which aligns with the requirement.
Team Size: 5
The project application states a team size of 5 members, meeting normal collaborative team size expectations for a project of this nature.
Project Github: N/A
The absence of provided Github information (N/A) makes it unclear if there is an open-source repository for the project, which may be important for community trust and collaboration.
User Github: N/A
Again, due to the lack of provided Github information (N/A) for an individual user, it is not possible to verify developer experience, project history, or code quality.
Project Twitter:
The project has provided a link to its Twitter account, which can be used as one metric of community engagement and outreach.
Project website:
The existence of a dedicated project website shows an established presence and is essential for community engagement, dissemination of information, and transparency.
Project description
The project has a detailed description that aligns well with the 'Astrochain Subsystems' round, focusing on community research and science education within a metaverse platform.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months)
Due to lack of Github activity information provided, it's unclear if the project is actively under development or whether contributions are being made.