

A web-based explorer for EIP4844 blob transactions providing data cost metrics, blob data decoding, and an API, funded by Ethereum-related organizations and currently under development.
Applied on: 18 Apr 2023 11:24 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 05:52 AM
All of the standard Gitcoin criteria preventing discrimination & fraud apply to this round
There is no information suggesting that Blobscan violates any standard Gitcoin criteria pertaining to discrimination or fraud.
Applicants must have a proven track record on Github, Youtube, or whatever platform they share their work with at least 3 month history of consistent building.
The provided Github activity demonstrates a 3 month history of consistent building with multiple repositories showing regular commits and issue management.
Only projects with a clearly defined connection to how they will help the Mantle ecosystem grow will be accepted
While Blobscan is closely related to the Ethereum network and Layer 2 scaling solutions, there is no specific mention of how it will directly support or integrate with the Mantle L2 ecosystem.
While this round is open for public applications, the Mantle grants team will be manually approving participation and strictly following the criteria above. All decisions for this round are final without recourse/appeal opporunity due to the nature of the beta rounds.
This is a procedural statement, and as such, there is no score applicable to the project itself. The project's acceptance is contingent upon the Mantle grants team's manual approval.