Seed Art Workshop for Seniors 種子藝術: 蘇木種子彩繪

Seed Art Workshop for Seniors 種子藝術: 蘇木種子彩繪

Art teacher Sugar Cheng conducts free seed art workshops for seniors, teaching jewelry and decoration crafting, seeking funds for supplies and venue costs.
Applied on: 14 Dec 2023 05:44 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 06:23 AM
You should have a slack channel in g0v(screenshot) slack
The provided information does not include evidence of a slack channel in g0v, such as a screenshot or a direct mention of having one.
Slide Deck of your project
The project provided a link to a Google Slides presentation which serves as a slide deck for the project.
If you are a Fab DAO or dao0 contributor - mention about your contribution in your application and link to your work
The application does not mention any contributions specific to Fab DAO or dao0, nor does it provide any links to work related to these organizations.
You are an NGO/NPO mention about the work your org is doing
The applicant, Sugar Cheng, describes her individual contribution to her community but does not specify whether she is representing an NGO/NPO, hence the uncertainty regarding the criteria.