杏韻果合唱團歲末佳音賀卡/Shinyun Alumni Choir-Christmas Caroling Card

杏韻果合唱團歲末佳音賀卡/Shinyun Alumni Choir-Christmas Caroling Card

Digital engagement project for choir members using Tezos to create digital wallets, distribute NFT-based Christmas cards, and manage choir funds with cryptocurrency.
Applied on: 15 Dec 2023 06:35 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 06:24 AM
You should have a slack channel in g0v(screenshot) slack
Insufficient information provided to verify whether the '杏韻果合唱團歲末佳音賀卡/Shinyun Alumni Choir-Christmas Caroling Card' project has a slack channel in the specified g0v slack workspace. A screenshot or link is required for verification.
Slide Deck of your project
There is no information provided in the project description that confirms the existence of a slide deck for the project. Verification would require a link to or a mention of the slide deck.
If you are a Fab DAO or dao0 contributor - mention about your contribution in your application and link to your work
The project description does not mention any contributions specifically to Fab DAO or dao0, nor does it include links to work that would be relevant to such contributions. The project appears independent of these entities.
You are an NGO/NPO mention about the work your org is doing
The provided project description outlines the activities and aims of the initiative, which includes enhancing digital engagement through cryptocurrency education and the use of Tezos wallets, implying that the Shinyun Alumni Choir operates with nonprofit goals.