杏韻果合唱團歲末佳音賀卡/Shinyun Alumni Choir-Christmas Caroling Card

$5.83 crowdfunded from 9 people

$45.16 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Digital engagement project for choir members using Tezos to create digital wallets, distribute NFT-based Christmas cards, and manage choir funds with cryptocurrency.

杏韻果團員Tezos 錢包教學與聖誕節 Akadrop 活動: 本計畫旨在透過引入加密貨幣和數位資產的概念,提升團員的數位參與度,並且使用NFT當成未來賀卡的媒介。 計畫如下: 1.團員 Tezos 錢包教學: 我們將舉辦培訓課程,協助合唱團以及團員開立自己的 Tezos 錢包。此舉旨在使他們熟悉加密貨幣及對NFT的認識和管理。

2.聖誕節數位賀卡活動: 在我們未來的聖誕節活動中,計劃使用 Akadrop 向觀眾發放數位聖誕賀卡。

3.以加密貨幣(Tezos)管理數位財務: 此計畫所獲得的資金扣除成本及人工費用後,將被轉換成 Tezos (XTZ) 並儲存到杏韻果合唱團的錢包,做為日後相關Web3活動宣傳及啟動的資金。

Shinyun Alumni Choir Tezos Wallet Tutorial and Christmas Akadrop Event:

The aim of this project is to enhance the digital engagement of our choir members by introducing the concept of cryptocurrency and digital assets. The plan is as follows:

Tezos Wallet Tutorial for Choir Members: We will conduct training sessions to assist the choir and its members in setting up their own Tezos wallets. This initiative is designed to familiarize them with cryptocurrency and increase their understanding and management of NFTs.

Digital Christmas Card Activity for Christmas: In our upcoming Christmas event, we plan to use Akadrop to distribute digital Christmas greeting cards to the audience.

Managing Digital Finances with Cryptocurrency (Tezos): After deducting costs and labor expenses, the funds obtained for this project will be converted into Tezos (XTZ) and stored in the Shinyun Alumni Choir’s wallet. This will serve as capital for future Web3 activity promotions and initiatives.

杏韻果合唱團歲末佳音賀卡/Shinyun Alumni Choir-Christmas Caroling Card History

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