Astro Hsu(許明恩)

$1,613.55 crowdfunded from 79 people

$766.54 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Taiwanese graduate created "Blocktrend," a simplified Web3 media platform, taught blockchain at universities, delivered TEDx talks, and wrote as a Bitcoin top writer.

An educator and a proud optimist, dived into crypto in 2017 and emerged with Blocktrend, a subscription-based media platform that makes Web3 as digestible as your favorite cereal.

His expertise has been recognized through invitations to share his knowledge at TEDx talks and at institutions, including Taiwan's Central Bank, Legislative Yuan, investigative bureaus, commercial firms, and universities.

我是許明恩,2015 年自臺灣大學電子所畢業,是《區塊勢》的創辦人也是唯一作者。

曾受邀至中央銀行、法官學院、司法官學院、高檢署、調查局及多所大學開設區塊鏈講座、工作坊,交流區塊鏈知識。也曾於 TEDx 演講、為國語日報撰稿,並獲 Medium 評選為比特幣頂尖作者(top writer in Bitcoin),為獲選的唯一華文作者。在 Hahow 開授區塊鏈線上入門課程。


2017 年,我在家裡騰出一個空間放朋友的以太幣(ETH)礦機,並收取 ETH 作為電費。因為挖礦的關係,我開始對加密貨幣背後的區塊鏈機制產生好奇。在閱讀大量的技術文件和白皮書後,很快我發現區塊鏈不只可以用來發行加密貨幣,也可以應用在很多不同的行業,因此轉而迷上研究區塊鏈到底能夠解決生活中哪些問題。






Astro Hsu(許明恩) History

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Taiwan-based Blocktrend simplifies Web3 and blockchain concepts through original articles and podcasts, offering insights with a unique Taiwanese perspective and gaining recognition as a trusted source for newcomers.
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