Gitcoin Citizens Round #2

Ran on the PGN Mainnet blockchain from 10 Oct 2023 00:00 to 24 Oct 2023 23:59 (UTC).
GTC 22232
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$2223.2 GTC
Matching Cap
Total Donors
24 Oct 2023 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Gitcoin Grants Data Portal
An open-source, serverless data hub using Gitcoin Grants data for research and analysis, featuring permissionless editing, decentralized storage, and extensible, low-friction data handling.
Donor amount: $864.65
Match amount: $1947.08
373 contributions
Astro Hsu(許明恩)
Taiwanese graduate created "Blocktrend," a simplified Web3 media platform, taught blockchain at universities, delivered TEDx talks, and wrote as a Bitcoin top writer.
Donor amount: $1613.55
Match amount: $766.54
79 contributions
Creating actionable insights for decentralized organizations, I work on distilling complex information for DAO governance, ensuring informed decision-making, and fostering transparency and collaboration within web3 communities.
Donor amount: $459.50
Match amount: $1470.68
232 contributions
Gitcoin Data Discoverers: Omniacs in Training Mentoring Program
Creating a mentoring program to train young data scientists in statistical consulting, specifically to collect, analyze, and visualize data for Gitcoin's analytics initiatives.
Donor amount: $575.73
Match amount: $868.83
86 contributions
ZER8's Gitcoin Citizen Round2 Application
Raising funds for a Gitcoin ecosystem project, including Gitcoin promotion, community support on Discord, stewardship duties, and creating a 'Public Goods Portal' with 60% of grant funds.
Donor amount: $628.28
Match amount: $804.13
261 contributions
Kris' work as Citizens Round Operator
Kris is running a Gitcoin funding round to gather community donations that offset his operational costs, with unused funds returning to the Gitcoin Treasury.
Donor amount: $366.86
Match amount: $928.65
94 contributions
Joel Miller -- Next Gen QF
CS PhD candidate Joel Miller, after successful implementation of collusion-resistant QF mechanisms for Gitcoin Grants, seeks support to continue research on pluralistic, sybil-proof funding models.
Donor amount: $285.42
Match amount: $987.76
104 contributions
Memes for Gitcoin
Mckennedy from MMM creates engaging memes, games, and promotional content for Gitcoin, aiming to enhance morale and outreach, while exploring new skills like animation and game development.
Donor amount: $351.91
Match amount: $878.89
160 contributions
Poupou - Sybil Slayer
Performed Sybil analysis for Gitcoin grants across multiple rounds, flagged suspicious accounts, built datasets, released a Dune dashboard, and contributed to community data-sharing efforts. Seeking grant for retroactive recognition.
Donor amount: $352.54
Match amount: $692.24
158 contributions
Cori's work running Gitcoin onboarding events & webinars
Contributed to web3 through events and education, focusing on fundraising, community-building, and onboarding for projects like Gitcoin in Berlin and Brussels; planning future digital webinars for global reach.
Donor amount: $247.02
Match amount: $797.72
95 contributions
Sejal Rekhan
Adopt Grants Stack on Gitcoin via GreenPill Network, focusing on round managers training and implementing a GreenPill QF round with hypercerts as a proof of concept. Funds will support these goals.
Donor amount: $229.03
Match amount: $674.17
85 contributions
Monty Merlin - ReFi Local Nodes & Gitcoin CoordiNATION Games
Monty Merlin Bryant co-founded ReFi DAO, enhancing the Gitcoin community through the establishment of a local node network and Gitcoin CoordiNATION Games, emphasizing Web3 technologies to promote a regenerative economy.
Donor amount: $232.20
Match amount: $663.44
109 contributions
Humberto Besso
Humberto focuses on aiding communities through web3 tools, with significant work in activism, education, and urban development, leading to his involvement in Gitcoin and creation of "Urbánika". His future work includes an educational roadtrip and workshops on Gitcoin's potential for local governance, aiming to integrate web3 into participatory budgeting and community management.
Donor amount: $349.66
Match amount: $476.93
77 contributions
Mathilde Everaere Bringing Indigenous Voices in Gitcoin
Promoting the integration of Indigenous voices in the Gitcoin community by facilitating translations, hosting Web3 events, and empowering Indigenous-led projects with Web3 tools for global change.
Donor amount: $229.49
Match amount: $593.06
99 contributions
DeFi Teddy
Teddy, a KOL in the Chinese Web3 community, developed Gitcoin analytical dashboards and promoted Gitcoin events, engaging over 25K participants. He plans to create a cost-efficient asset transfer bridge and a new informative donation dashboard.
Donor amount: $220.10
Match amount: $584.73
131 contributions