$285.42 crowdfunded from 104 people
$987.76 received from matching pools
Hi! I'm Joel Miller, a CS PhD candidate who's been doing research and development on next-gen QF for around two years (including with Glen Weyl, one of the original minds behind QF and QV). I joined Gitcoin for the summer via a community proposal and worked with Umar, Erich, and others to implement new research on pluralistic/ collusion resistant QF for use in Gitcoin Grants/ Allo.
The program was a success -- with the help of the community, I designed a mechanism that was used in GG18 to keep hundreds of thousands of dollars out of the hands of sybils.
The summer (and my official engagement with Gitcoin) is over, but there's still a ton of exciting research directions to explore. Your support will help me keep working with this incredible community to push forward on making pluralistic, collusion resistant QF a reality. Thanks!
(Also -- to be clear -- I'm abstaining from doing any work on the mechanism used to dole out funds for this Citizen's round, to be sure that there's no bias)
Joel Miller -- Next Gen QF History
accepted into Gitcoin Citizens Round #2 1 year ago. 104 people contributed $285 to the project, and $988 of match funding was provided.