Sejal Rekhan

$229.03 crowdfunded from 85 people

$674.17 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Adopt Grants Stack on Gitcoin via GreenPill Network, focusing on round managers training and implementing a GreenPill QF round with hypercerts as a proof of concept. Funds will support these goals.


I am working towards Grants Stack adoption for Gitcoin through GreenPill Network. My primary focus for next 2-3 months would be

  • to setup round managers taining program for our chapter stweards and facilitate the cohort end to end.
  • run greenpill qf round with hypercerts integrated in grants stack and this will serve as a proof of concept for gitcoin Funds raised in this round will be used to accomplish the above mentioned tasks.

Sejal Rekhan History

  • accepted into Gitcoin Citizens Round #2 1 year ago. 85 people contributed $229 to the project, and $674 of match funding was provided.

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