FAB DAO 補助讚!

Ran on the Optimism blockchain from 23 Nov 2023 16:00 to 29 Nov 2023 16:00 (UTC).
DAI 1369.69
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$410.907 DAI
Matching Cap
Total Donors
29 Nov 2023 16:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
傳DAO士 Frank 來化緣
Participated in Web3 communities, volunteered as a guide for various events, and shared insights on Web3 topics; seeking grants for past unpaid contributions.
Donor amount: $14.89
Match amount: $256.73
16 contributions
Taiwan-based Blocktrend simplifies Web3 and blockchain concepts through original articles and podcasts, offering insights with a unique Taiwanese perspective and gaining recognition as a trusted source for newcomers.
Donor amount: $10.78
Match amount: $259.58
19 contributions
FAB DAO 的 DAO 友 12 月年末一起吃火鍋,ㄎㄟˋ休一下。
Donor amount: $16.74
Match amount: $202.81
12 contributions
《繫》,VolumeDAO x fxhash 藝術沙龍與社群日
VolumeDAO x fxhash joint project presents a blockchain-based art salon and community event, highlighting collaborative creations and exploring the balance between private and public assets through generative art, with an exhibition themed around connection and an accompanying physical event at VA Hub in Taiwan featuring talks, a party, and interactive games.
Donor amount: $8.41
Match amount: $186.53
18 contributions
立法院大小聲 × 區塊鏈上治理
《立法院大小聲》是一個開放國會的開源 App 專案。 本專案旨在推廣開放國會與民主教育: - 開發民間版的開放資料 API 與 App,最大化開放國會的效益,進一步提升國會資訊的透明度與可引用性。 - 持續推動民主教育,讓更多公民熟知立法院運作模式,並推廣議題理性論證,提倡公民素養與理性交流。 我們預計會在每個立法院會期 aka 每半年左右,定期開放更多人加入 LINE 社群。 你可以做些什麼? - 討論國會政治 - 理解並參與區塊鏈上治理,比較制度差異
Donor amount: $7.15
Match amount: $129.85
15 contributions
Claim the limited mouse hat if you are the faithful mouse catcher!
Donor amount: $10.45
Match amount: $94.61
8 contributions
The Creator Economy IMO
Electronic newsletter exploring creator growth in Web2/Web3 with community discussions, curated weekly reports, online voice events, interviews, and a Treasury funding community and operations.
Donor amount: $7.66
Match amount: $62.81
9 contributions
Person with Tourette's syndrome shares experiences, combats stigma by writing articles and hosting seminars on Discord, and operates an online store promoting daily living with the condition. Funds sought for content creation, shop expansion, and Tourette's education events.
Donor amount: $4.00
Match amount: $58.75
12 contributions
杏韻果合唱團歲末佳音賀卡/Shinyun Alumni Choir-Christmas Caroling Card
Digital engagement project for choir members using Tezos to create digital wallets, distribute NFT-based Christmas cards, and manage choir funds with cryptocurrency.
Donor amount: $4.48
Match amount: $45.16
9 contributions
我們觀察到很多學生不適應、不適合學校以學科中心、成就取向的教學模式,而成為「厭學者」,卻因為經濟或知識資本的落差而無法接觸其他教育選擇。 協會透過與社區兒少服務單位合作(包含工作坊或營隊、日常的共同陪伴),喚起學生對自身處境的意識,讓更多元的教育選擇成為可能,也協助原本找不到方向的厭學者,可以藉由選擇自學,找回與自身的連結與對學習的熱忱。 本次專案將會 1.呼籲厭學者引路協會的會員加入DC,共同討論、共學web3事務,將web3募資的概念,應用在台灣本土的公益團體上,用台灣的在地實踐,呼應數位世界的民主實驗。 2.在未來的募款行動中採用web3的概念,讓支持的會員也能預先練習web3的募資模式。 如果,你也是那一個討厭學校、但喜歡學習的人。 如果,你也明白他們所經歷的那種痛苦。 如果,你的經濟上有點餘力。 如果,你也相信教育的力量,讓一個人成為最獨特的自己。 如果,你明白自學陪伴的辛苦與心力。 我們澄心的邀請你支持我們,讓這一份創造感動的志業,持續下去!
Donor amount: $2.08
Match amount: $30.40
11 contributions
Drawing to be NFT
Support and motivate kid's drawing to be NFT and selling on Tezos through Taiwan akaSwap.com https://akaswap.com/metaverse/?tag=greatoverman&collections=akaobj
Donor amount: $2.33
Match amount: $18.74
7 contributions
Taiwan's largest caregiver community launched a support program in 2023 for 900+ families, incorporating NFTs as digital mementos and advocating for a supportive caregiving network.
Donor amount: $2.86
Match amount: $15.23
5 contributions
wagmi fund
Crowdfunding platform enhancing creator-fan connections through financial backing, community building, and features for revenue management, real-time contributions, notifications, analytics, cross-platform posting, and embeddable support widgets.
Donor amount: $1.74
Match amount: $7.71
5 contributions