$4,649.53 crowdfunded from 8 people
$94.61 received from matching pools
average score over 2 application evaluations
Claim the limited mouse hat if you are the faithful mouse catcher!
笑鼠帽佔領計畫 History
accepted into FAB DAO 補助讚! 1 year ago. 8 people contributed $10 to the project, and $95 of match funding was provided.
accepted into gov0/FAB DAO/dao0 Live Rround 1 year ago.
People donating to 笑鼠帽佔領計畫, also donated to
FAB DAO leverages NFTs for cultural significance in web3, combining art, public good, and culture, managing funds raised for non-profit cultural initiatives, and fostering a multi-disciplinary community in Taiwan.
Edge City aims to create popup tech and science villages globally as a 'society incubator' to accelerate human progress, with planned events in California and Southeast Asia in 2024.
Formosa Art Bank DAO is a Taiwan-based self-governing charity NFT organization, fostering a Web3 metaverse with blockchain education, community-building and global collaboration, focused on public goods and local chapter development.
Formosa Guide of Hypercerts 《台灣超證指南》