創作者經濟IMO 成立於 2023 年 7 月 1 日,由 Web3 社群平台 Matters Lab 孵化,是一個探討創作者如何在 Web2、Web3 領域成長的電子報項目。
截至 2024 年 7 月底,電子報有 593 名追蹤者。
我們關注任何對創作者有益的話題,平時在專屬社群(例如:Discord、LINE) 進行文字交流,鼓勵大家踴躍說出自己的觀點,所以取 IMO(In My Opinion)作為項目名稱的一部分;精選當週最熱絡的討論,編纂成「週報」於每週一上午 6 時發刊。
此外,我們平均每月舉辦 2 場「線上語音活動」,訪談各路優秀 Web2、Web3 創作者,並紀錄文字精華,不定期發刊。
創作者經濟IMO電子報 https://creatoreconomyimo.substack.com/
▌Leo(主編、共同創辦人) https://matters.town/@penfarming ▌Hugo(主編、共同創辦人) https://matters.town/@Hugo700 ▌Sonichiro(校稿) https://matters.town/@michenhk0927 ▌Mopen(美術設計) https://matters.town/@mopen
我們會把從 GG21 募得的資金,置入一個公開透明的金庫,20% 回饋於 Matters Discord 社區用戶,80% 用於支應本項目的日常維運。
Creator Economy IMO was established on July 1, 2023, incubated by the Web3 community platform Matters Lab. It is a newsletter project that explores how creators can grow in both Web2 and Web3 spaces.
As of the end of July 2024, the newsletter has 593 followers.
We focus on topics beneficial to creators, and usually engage in text discussions on exclusive community platforms such as Discord and LINE. We encourage everyone to actively share their views, hence the name IMO (In My Opinion) is included as part of the project's name. The most active discussions of the week are compiled into a "Weekly Report," published every Monday morning at 6 AM.
Additionally, we host two "online voice events" each month, where we interview various outstanding Web2 and Web3 creators, and compile textual highlights for publication on an irregular basis.
Creator Economy IMO Newsletter https://creatoreconomyimo.substack.com/
Team Members:
▌Leo (Editor-in-chief, Co-founder) https://matters.town/@penfarming ▌Hugo (Editor-in-chief, Co-founder) https://matters.town/@Hugo700 ▌Sonichiro (Proofreader) https://matters.town/@michenhk0927 ▌Mopen (Art Design) https://matters.town/@mopen
The funds raised from GG21 will be placed into a public, transparent treasury, with 20% going back to users of the Matters Discord community and 80% used to support the day-to-day operations of the project.
創作者經濟IMO(Creator Economy IMO) History
accepted into Asia Round 7 months ago.