$2.33 crowdfunded from 7 people
$18.74 received from matching pools
average score over 2 application evaluations
Support and motivate kid's drawing to be NFT and selling on Tezos through Taiwan akaSwap.com
Drawing to be NFT History
accepted into Peaceful Public Goods' QF Round for Young Innovators 1 year ago.
accepted into FAB DAO 補助讚! 1 year ago. 7 people contributed $2 to the project, and $19 of match funding was provided.
People donating to Drawing to be NFT, also donated to
Standards body for the DAO ecosystem, uniting key organizations to author and maintain common interface standards and fostering community engagement through working groups and discussion forums.
Organizing an event in Taiwan focused on web3 public goods to promote the betterment of human life and the digital community's growth.
Formosa Art Bank DAO is a Taiwan-based self-governing charity NFT organization, fostering a Web3 metaverse with blockchain education, community-building and global collaboration, focused on public goods and local chapter development.
Formosa Guide of Hypercerts 《台灣超證指南》