Formosa Guide of Hypercerts 《台灣超證指南》
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Formosa Guide of Hypercerts 《台灣超證指南》

FAB DAO aims to become the authoritative institution for evaluating and recognizing public influence in Taiwan's web3 ecosystem. By integrating HyperCerts, FAB DAO will issue credentials to organizations based on their social impact, thereby fostering a transparent and accountable framework for impact recognition in the digital age.

Objective Alignment with Grant Goals:

  1. Integration with Existing Platforms: FAB DAO will utilize the existing web3 infrastructure in Taiwan as a platform for deploying HyperCerts, thereby integrating this innovative credentialing system into the broader ecosystem.

  2. Development of New Applications: The project introduces a novel application of HyperCerts by using them to evaluate and recognize the social impact of organizations, akin to a digital prize competition based on verified achievements.

  3. Building Tooling for Multiple Integrations: While initially leveraging existing tools (e.g., Hypercert protocol and issuing page by protocol labs, scheduled New website under development by FAB DAO for presentation), the project anticipates future development of specialized tools to enhance the functionality and integration of HyperCerts within the ecosystem.

Tangible Use Cases and Piloting New Functionalities: This project serves as a pilot for utilizing HyperCerts in a new domain—public influence evaluation within the web3 space, showcasing a practical and scalable use case.

Grant Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Building upon HyperCerts Protocol: The project extends the functionality of HyperCerts by adapting it for impact evaluation, thus not only using but also enhancing the protocol to suit specific needs within the web3 community.

  2. Project Maturity and Progress: FAB DAO has been established for over two years and underwent serial progressive decentralization movement. FAB DAO have been experiment how hypercert could function in DAO and facilitate the records for DAO contribution for almost a year. Formosa Guide of Hypercerts would establish a foundational framework for its operations. The proposal will include documentation of progress, such as strategic planning, community engagement, and preliminary testing results.

  3. Compliance with Core Rules: The project will adhere to all Gitcoin core rules and eligibility criteria, ensuring ethical deployment of technology, transparency in operations, and positive community impact.

Implementation Strategy:

  • Q2 2024: Formation of a evaluation team and integration of HyperCerts with the web3 ecosystem in Taiwan.

  • Q3 2024: Begin quarterly evaluations and issuance of HyperCerts to impactful organizations.

  • Q4 2024: Develop and deploy promotional materials and a web-based presentation platform.

  • Q1 2025: Assess the need for and potentially begin development of specialized tools for enhanced HyperCerts management and display.

Budget and Funding Needs:

  • Development and Operational Costs: Costs associated with the development of tools, maintenance of the platform, and operational expenses of the evaluation team.

  • Promotional and Educational Materials: Budget for creating and distributing promotional materials to increase awareness and adoption of HyperCerts within the community. Future Tool Development: Initial funding for research and development of specialized tools as the project scales.


FAB DAO's project aligns closely with the grant's objectives by integrating, developing, and piloting the HyperCerts protocol within Taiwan's web3 ecosystem. This initiative will not only enhance the functionality of HyperCerts but also provide a scalable model for other regions and sectors interested in similar applications.FAB DAO is poised to contribute significantly to the interconnected impact funding network envisioned by the grant.

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