$265.50 crowdfunded from 0 people
average score over 1 application evaluations
Organizing an event in Taiwan focused on web3 public goods to promote the betterment of human life and the digital community's growth.
In Taiwan, seeking to enhance the lives of all humanity; the significance of web3 public goods lies in creating life for the succeeding universe. Organizing an event, inviting practitioners of Taiwan's digital public goods for a gathering that satisfies mind, body, and spirit."
於台灣為場域,尋找增進人類全體之生活;web3 公共財的意義,在創造宇宙繼起之生命。舉辦活動,廣邀台灣數位公共財的實務工作者,進行一場滿足身心靈之聚會活動。
FABDAO朋朋年末聚 History
accepted into gov0/FAB DAO/dao0 Live Rround 1 year ago.
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