$7.66 crowdfunded from 9 people
$62.81 received from matching pools
"The Creator Economy IMO" was founded on July 1, 2023, incubated by the Web3 community platform Matters Lab . It is an electronic newsletter project that explores how creators can thrive in the Web2 and Web3 domains. As of November 3, 2023, the newsletter has 148 followers and 1 angel sponsor.
We discuss any topics that are beneficial to creators and engage in text-based discussions in our exclusive communities (Discord, LINE). We encourage everyone to actively voice their opinions, hence the name IMO (In My Opinion) as a part of the project title. Additionally, we curate the most lively discussions of the week and compile them into a weekly report, which is published every Monday at 6 AM.
Furthermore, we host an average of two online voice events per month, interviewing outstanding Web2 and Web3 creators. These interviews are then condensed into written summaries and published periodically.
■ The Creator Economy IMO Newsletter: https://creatoreconomyimo.substack.com/
■ Team Members:
- Leo (Co-founder, Editor-in-chief) https://matters.town/@penfarming
- Hugo (Co-founder, Editor-in-chief) https://matters.town/@Hugo700
- Swift Evo (Web3 Consultant) https://matters.town/@swiftevo
- Sonichiro (Proofreader) https://matters.town/@michenhk0927
- Mopen (Graphic Design) https://matters.town/@mopen
We will place the funds raised from GG19 into a publicly transparent treasury, with 30% allocated for incentivizing Matters Discord community activities and 70% for supporting the daily operation of this project.
《創作者經濟IMO》成立於 2023 年 7 月 1 日,由 Web3 社群平台 Matters Lab 孵化,是一個探討創作者如何在 Web2、Web3 領域成長的電子報項目。截至 2023 年 11 月 3 日,電子報有 148 名免費訂閱戶,1 名天使贊助者。
我們討論任何對創作者有益的話題,平時在專屬社群(Discord、LINE) 進行文字交流,並鼓勵大家踴躍說出自己的觀點,所以取 IMO(In My Opinion)作為項目名稱中的一部分。再進一步精選當週最熱絡的討論,編纂成週報,每週一上午 6 時發刊。
此外,我們平均每月舉辦兩場線上語音活動,訪談各路優秀 Web2、Web3 創作者,事後做成文字精華,不定期發刊。
■ 創作者經濟IMO電子報 https://creatoreconomyimo.substack.com/
■ 團隊成員
- Leo(共同創辦人、主編) https://matters.town/@penfarming
- Hugo(共同創辦人、主編) https://matters.town/@Hugo700
- Swift Evo(Web3 顧問) https://matters.town/@swiftevo
- Sonichiro(校稿) https://matters.town/@michenhk0927
- Mopen(美術設計) https://matters.town/@mopen
我們會把從 GG19 募得的資金,置入一個公開透明的金庫,30% 用於 Matters Discord 社區活動的激勵,70% 用於支應本項目的日常維運。
The Creator Economy IMO History
applied to the Global Chinese Community Round at GG19 1 year ago of which the application is still in a pending state
accepted into FAB DAO 補助讚! 1 year ago. 9 people contributed $8 to the project, and $63 of match funding was provided.