Public Goods Are Good / Moloch Is Bad
Applied on: 27 Oct 2023 06:48 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 12:27 PM
Eligibility Criteria
Insufficient information is provided to determine if the project meets all the overarching evaluation criteria.
No Public Bads!
The project description indicates the creation of both a good and a bad meme, but there is no indication that the 'bad' meme promotes public bads.
No Coordination Failure or pro-Moloch Memes
The name of the project, 'Public Goods Are Good / Moloch Is Bad', suggests that it does not encourage coordination failure or pro-Moloch themes.
Good vibes only
The project description is limited and does not provide enough context to determine the overall vibes of the memes created.
Must not use NGMI unless it refers to Moloch
There is no information on the use of the acronym NGMI in the project, thus it is unclear whether it is used appropriately according to the criteria.