Public Good Meme Round 1

Ran on the Optimism blockchain from 28 Oct 2023 14:00 to 31 Oct 2023 23:59 (UTC).
DAI 100
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$10 DAI
Matching Cap
Total Donors
31 Oct 2023 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Xandra-Ivan Good
Good meme ![meme](
Donor amount: $1.00
Meme team 3
Donor amount: $1.00
Rodrigo public good meme cohort
memestastic lol [meme](
Donor amount: $1.00
Public Goods Are Good / Moloch Is Bad
Share two contrasting memes about public goods to illustrate a good example and a bad one, for entertainment.
Public Goods Meme Round!
Meme competition ![meme](
Moloch Melters
Public Goods... what the heck!
Raising awareness of public goods importance through engaging memes.
Moloch/Smoloch Drake hates Moloch.
Strategic Funders
![Always make more money!](
Make Public Goods not War
![A message of peace!](
Xandra-Ivan Bad
This our bad meme ![meme](
SBF wants your money for Public Goods