Moloch Melters
Applied on: 28 Oct 2023 12:13 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 12:26 PM
Eligibility Criteria
The project's link leads to a meme image, and there is no additional information available to confirm if the project meets other specific eligibility requirements.
No Public Bads!
The meme does not appear to promote anything harmful and seems to portray a positive message with respect to a 'green' oriented network, thus aligning with public goods.
No Coordination Failure or pro-Moloch Memes
The project name 'Moloch Melters' suggests opposition to Moloch, which is synonymous with coordination failure, so it is unlikely that the project promotes coordination failure or pro-Moloch memes.
Good vibes only
The meme portrays a comical take on defeating Moloch, which can be considered to be in line with good vibes.
Must not use NGMI unless it refers to Moloch
The provided information and meme do not contain the acronym 'NGMI', meeting this criterion.