Psychedelic art: symbol of the new era, symbol of the (r)evolution

Psychedelic art: symbol of the new era, symbol of the (r)evolution

Organize a crowdsourcing competition among artists to design a flag and anthem for systemic change, inspired by the concept of backcasting and rooted in psychedelic experiences.
Applied on: 2 Aug 2024 05:49 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 2 Aug 2024 06:01 AM
Project Focus: The project must be centered on one or more of the following key areas related to psychedelics: • History: Exploration of the historical and cultural contexts and evolution of psychedelics. • Scientific Understandings: Advancements in scientific knowledge, including qualitative and quantitative research. • Therapeutic Applications: Development or analysis of therapeutic uses and benefits of psychedelics, such as case studies or narrative stories. • Aesthetic Experience: Artistic interpretations and expressions inspired by psychedelic experiences. • Storytelling, film, and Music: Projects that utilize narrative, film, video, music, or other temporal mediums to explore and convey psychedelic experiences and themes.
The project focuses on organizing a crowdsourcing competition for creating artistic interpretations inspired by psychedelic experiences, fitting the 'Aesthetic Experience' category.
Experience: Applicants must demonstrate experience in their field by providing: • Academic or artist CVs for all key team members. • Evidence of previous notable work, such as peer-reviewed publications, previous NFT collections, film screenings, or exhibitions that meet the minimum professional criteria of an active researcher, artist, or filmmaker.
The applicants provided a link to an academic CV and examples of previous notable work, including collaborations with artists and design briefs, meeting the criteria.
Community Engagement: Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to collaboration and community engagement by: • Actively participating in discussions and events within the broader psychedelic research and art community. • Sharing progress and outcomes with the community through various channels, such as social media, forums, or online presentations.
The project mentions sharing progress but lacks specific examples of active participation within the broader psychedelic research and art community.
Impact and Innovation: Projects must clearly articulate how they will contribute to the field of psychedelics, including potential impacts and innovative approaches. This could include: • Advancing new scientific methodologies or therapeutic practices. • Creating unique and compelling artistic, story, or film works that capture the essence of psychedelic experiences. • Generating new knowledge or insights that benefit the broader community.
The project aims to create powerful symbols through a global art competition, which is an innovative and unique approach, potentially generating new insights and artistic expressions.
Feasibility and Sustainability: Applicants must provide a detailed project plan that outlines: • Clear objectives and milestones. • A realistic timeline and budget. * Examples of previous works.
The project provides a clear timeline with objectives, and a budget plan focused on awarding artists and operational costs, showing feasibility and sustainability.
Ethical Considerations: Projects must adhere to ethical guidelines relevant to the field, including: • Ensuring informed consent and protection of participants in scientific studies. • Respecting cultural sensitivities and the origins of psychedelic practices. • Promoting inclusivity and accessibility within the project and its outcomes.
The project promotes inclusivity by broadening the definition of 'artist' and aims for ethical practices, with no reported concerns.