GreenPill - Ottawa, Canada - Workshops, Local Impact, On-boarding, Education

GreenPill - Ottawa, Canada - Workshops, Local Impact, On-boarding, Education

Project: Educational workshops, planting initiatives, and community-building within regenerative crypto philosophy, using web3 tools. Seeking funding for growth and supporting the GPN ecosystem.
Applied on: 19 Apr 2024 08:54 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 19 Apr 2024 09:02 PM
Integrate $EARTH into their projects or build on $EARTH
The project has mentioned the use of $EARTH as a retro reward for workshop attendees, indicating integration into their activities.
Use $EARTH to reward actions within their community that are aligned with our mission - Make anthropogenic climate change history, vision - Seed the Solarpunk paradigm
The project intends to use $EARTH to reward newly onboarded workshop attendees, aligning with the mission to promote climate-positive actions.
Commited to becoming an $EARTH NODE
The application does not explicitly state the project's commitment to becoming an $EARTH NODE; additional information is needed to confirm this criterion.
Creating utility for $EARTH
By rewarding attendees with $EARTH for participating in environmentally focused workshops, the project creates a use case and utility for the currency.