Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 22 Apr 2024 00:00 to 08 May 2024 00:00 (UTC).
Unknown Token 10000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$800 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
08 May 2024 00:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Senda Verde Animal Refuge: On a Mission to Rewild or Perish
Sanctuary in Bolivia aiming to protect wildlife from trafficking and habitat loss, promoting rewilding and habitat restoration with a focus on education, animal welfare, and local community engagement.
GreenPill Nigeria: Impact=Profit
GreenPill Nigeria combats environmental issues and hyperinflation, launching initiatives tailored to regional needs such as a solar charge port prototype and grants for local public goods projects.
Developing a cultural hub to inspire climate action and mindset shifts through educational content, celebrating Solarpunk leaders, crowdfunded NFTs, and building a digital Solarpunk Culture Library.
ReFi DAO - A Network Society to Regenerate Earth. ✨ 🌱
ReFi DAO utilizes Web3 to support regenerative projects focusing on social and ecological well-being, with initiatives like mass tree planting, an Ecological Benefits Framework, and Local Nodes global network growth.
Trusted Seed
Developing a global community focused on regenerative economies using token engineering and DAO governance, creating collaborative tools and events for networking, skill-building, and promoting sustainable practices in web3. Seeking grant funding for educational quests rewarding sustainability efforts with $EARTH tokens.
Greenpill Kenya on Earth
Kenya-based project aims to drive web3 adoption through education, regenerative agriculture, environmental initiatives, and incentivizing engagement using cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
GreenPill - Ottawa, Canada - Workshops, Local Impact, On-boarding, Education
Project: Educational workshops, planting initiatives, and community-building within regenerative crypto philosophy, using web3 tools. Seeking funding for growth and supporting the GPN ecosystem.
The Ecofrontiers Regen Atlas 🌱
Web3 project Regen Atlas facilitates discovery, funding, and trade of diverse tokenized natural capital projects through an open-source, interactive map, also focusing on developing a related educational book.
Coliazul Cultural Commons
Creation of the Coliazul Cultural Center in Costa Rica's Diamante Valley, focusing on children's arts and education using regenerative practices and sociocratic governance.
UrbΓ‘nika's bus: Circular Economy + Urban Governance
Developing a climate-positive mobile school/home bus and Web3 Neighborhood Governance program for peer-governed, regenerative smart cities, including eco-technology research and implementations.
Empowering Education: Providing Essential Resources to Children in Plateau State, Nigeria
Empowering Nigerian children with school supplies, menstrual hygiene products, and food support for a blind school in Plateau State, founded by two young girls and their father.
Aluxes 🌴
Aluxes is a conservation initiative focused on regenerating the Mesoamerican Maya Rainforest by integrating traditional knowledge and modern practices in 4 key sectors (soil, pollination, conservation, education), benefitting biodiversity and local economies.
Masterminding Eden - Visionary Village
Multidisciplinary mastermind to design a regenerative, self-sustaining city for climate resilience and future wellbeing, incorporating advanced technologies and holistic community values.
Building a transparent tree-planting DAO with token rewards, "Proof of Plant" protocol, gamification via Semi-Soulbound Tokens, and partnerships for accessibility and smart contract security.
Powering Climate Solutions: Refi Bolivia at the Helm
Refi Bolivia, formed by the Ethereum Bolivia community, targets impactful climate action in Bolivia by using technology to engage volunteers and activists in clean-up campaigns and educational blockchain workshops.