Trusted Seed

Trusted Seed

Developing a global community focused on regenerative economies using token engineering and DAO governance, creating collaborative tools and events for networking, skill-building, and promoting sustainable practices in web3. Seeking grant funding for educational quests rewarding sustainability efforts with $EARTH tokens.
Applied on: 19 Apr 2024 11:16 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 19 Apr 2024 12:02 PM
Integrate $EARTH into their projects or build on $EARTH
Trusted Seed plans to use $EARTH as rewards for completing quests in their community, thus integrating $EARTH into their project's reward mechanism.
Use $EARTH to reward actions within their community that are aligned with our mission - Make anthropogenic climate change history, vision - Seed the Solarpunk paradigm
Trusted Seed intends to incentivize participation in educational and action-driven quests that intertwine blockchain technology with sustainability and regenerative practices, which aligns with the mission to make anthropogenic climate change history and seeds the Solarpunk paradigm.
Commited to becoming an $EARTH NODE
The project description and application do not explicitly state their commitment to becoming an $EARTH NODE, so this cannot be confirmed.
Creating utility for $EARTH
The project has clear plans to create utility for $EARTH through their reward system for quests, educating participants on the $EARTH token economy, and fostering innovation in its use cases.