average score over 6 application evaluations
Building a transparent tree-planting DAO with token rewards, "Proof of Plant" protocol, gamification via Semi-Soulbound Tokens, and partnerships for accessibility and smart contract security.

Treegens DAO is creating a world where anyone can plant trees and get rewarded. Let's GROW!

Treegens are BUIDLing the most rewarding and transparent tree planting tech through tokenized mangroves, a gamified Proof of Plant protocol & the world's first dynamic Semi-Soulbound Tokens.


Now that Jimi has set an official World Record for Most Trees Planted by 1 person in 24 hours, we are unleashing our OS Technology so the movement can break the next World Record - Most Trees Planted by Any Number of People in 24 Hours, which is 560M trees!



Misaligned Incentives

Our economy currently values the degeneration of nature more than it values the regeneration of nature. Until it flips the other way, nature will continue to be degraded.

Impact Transparency

The impact sector faces criticism for not providing enough transparency. Donor updates are often reused, leading to lack of trust and reduced contributions overall.


Proof of Plant


The only way to create the $MGRO token is through Proof of Plant. Tree planters onboard through account abstraction, learn how to plant & film the mangrove trees, film the land before & after planting in our DApp with GPS captured, then submit the data inside our DApp on their mobiles.


Treegen DAO members then verify AI tree counted videos with GPS coordinates captured while filming in DApp. 1/6th of an $MGRO token is minted after this initial plant & another 1/6th is issued every 6 months over the course of 3 years. 95% of $MGRO tokens & retro rewards goes to the tree planters & 5% goes to the validators.


Similar to Proof of Stake, $TGN token holders stake their governance token to verify the videos, assisted by AI tree counting.


Non-Fungible Updates (NFU)


Every verified video becomes viewable on the Treegens DAO map as a Non-Fungible Update video, powered by LivePeer. In order for companies or individuals to make an ecological claim that they funded trees, they buy these NFT videos with $MGRO tokens, which burns / retires $MGRO.



In addition to leaderboards, we are further gamifying the planting & funding of trees through the world's first Dynamic Semi-Soulbound Token (DSST). The mind orb gets brighter when you fund trees by retiring $MGRO & claim an NFU. The heart orbs get brighter when you plant mangrove trees & MGRO is minted to your wallet. While the underlying artwork is transferable, these overlaid orbs are non-transferable and will display on whichever Treegen NFT is connected to our DApp through your profile. This is because we are gamifying regeneration!


Treegens DAO was started in Kenya & is actively regenerating mangrove trees in Shimoni, Kenya. We are also expanding into Krabi, Thailand & Lagos Nigeria. In every place that our DAO directly plants mangrove trees, we aim to leverage the Ecological Benefits Framework (EBF) to reward the tree planters. EBF measures positive impact on carbon, biodiversity, water, equity, air & soil. Mangrove trees absorb 8-10X more carbon form the atmosphere compared with all terrestrial trees. Mangroves are hotbeds for biodiversity & many animals thrive around them as they improve the health of the entire ecosystem. They filter salt water & not only help fish but even help the coral reefs! 95% of all tree rewards go directly towards MGRO holders, which can only be minted by planting trees. Their unique root systems also lead to dramatically improving air quality. The soil is also carbon rich & absorbs nitrogen. Through Treegen planting & propagule collection competitions, $MGRO & all the EBF funds we gather & stream back to holders, the well-being of the communities around the mangroves will improve continuously over time.

Projects must be place-based and demonstrate regenerative activities for the benefit of ecosystem health, community well-being, and restoration.


Treegens has partnered with the legends at General Magic for our frontend development & UI/UX design. GM has helped us leverage account abstraction to easily onboard tree planters in developing countries around the world. GM has supported Giveth,, TEC, ENS, The Commons Stack & many more impactful DAOs to create smooth user experiences & develop their front end.


We have also partnered with Protofire to audit all of our open source smart contracts. Protofire has worked with Filecoin, Polkadot, Aave & Avalanche.



To GROW the movement & make everyone bullish on Regeneration, we plan to retroactively reward MGRO holders by streaming rewards to them via. SuperFluid. From Grant funds, Optimism RetroPGF, EBF Forwards & yield from $Earth will all flow towards $MGRO holders. One of our first DAO proposals will be to allocate a portion of our treasury from TGN sales towards buying $Earth tokens, which invest in a Solarpunk future through impact investments such as Kokonut Network & Traditional Dream Factory.





Results Results



Treegens🌳 History

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