Climate Round

Climate Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 23 Apr 2024 12:00 to 07 May 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 125000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$12500 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
07 May 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Research project examining the role of carbon insurance in encouraging carbon reduction investments and fostering the growth of carbon trading markets, assessing the potential of decentralized solutions.
Colorado-based nonprofit creating regenerative land acquisition/governance systems using bioregional principles, developing a community space, trust fund, and technology for sustainable development initiatives.
Save the Last Savanna Elephants of DRC: A Collaring Mission
Fund efforts to collar and conserve the last savanna elephants in the DRC, helping to monitor their populations and mitigate human-elephant conflict while contributing to climate change mitigation through ecosystem engineering.
Project to map ancient trees globally, incentivize conservation through NFTs and rewards, establish seed libraries and sapling nurseries, and form a wisdom-sharing council to guide environmental stewardship efforts.
WeRa Global
Developing a Solar Network State with a human-centric approach, prioritizing solar energy, economic stability, and societal integrity through an autonomous neuro-social interaction system that merges natural and artificial intelligence.
Sintrop - Decentralized Nature Regeneration System
Climate-tech company Sintrop develops a blockchain system to reward regenerative agriculture with 'Regeneration Credits', facilitating carbon market access for small producers and promoting sustainable consumer choices.
Earth Commons
Earth Commons aims to reshape funding and governance of global ecosystems by combining Web2, Web3, tech, research, and philanthropy to ensure sustainable management of natural resources.
Bloom Network
Bloom Network empowers global grassroots impact with Web3 tools, enabling local environmental and economic actions. Features local DAO governance, skillshares, and a reputation-based rewards system.
El chico de las plantas
Mobile plant sales and community service, including tree planting and assisting the elderly and disabled with plant care.
ReFi Atlántico 🌊 | Incubation 🌱🌴
Colombian ReFiDAO Node aims to grow regenerative finance in Atlantico, harnessing the region's diverse ecosystems. It supports local ReFi projects, develops branding, and leads environmental hackathons for sustainability.
dMeter works on digitizing an onboarding methodology using Hedera's Managed Guardian Service, allowing impact initiatives to validate their ecological benefits on-chain. The system uses Hypercerts and the Ecological Benefits Framework to holistically measure air, water, soil, biodiversity, equity, and carbon impacts. It's part of a broader dMRV ecosystem aimed at transparent, decentralized measurement, reporting, and verification of regenerative projects.
Coral Connect
Revolutionary coral conservation approach: Real-time growth tracking and direct donation impact on reefs, using innovative tech and personalized coral discs for donors, scaling to Indonesia with government support.
The LEAF Charity
Charity focuses on ecosystem restoration and carbon sequestration, building community nurseries, teaching seed propagation, and replanting, with emphasis on mangroves and coastal forests, complemented by educational outreach.
Mi Costa De Oro, Autonomous and Regenerative Community Rooted in Action (Venezuela)
Community-led beach clean-ups fostering regenerative finance education and ecological restoration, supported by the Web3beach project and Carlos Melgar.