WeRa Global
We envision a sustainable and sunny future of Human-centric society of the Solar Network State, considering Sun as the economic, spiritual and territorial symbol of the Humanity.
Solar State that can maintain a stable economy, clarity of political visions and integrity of the social structure, protecting members from any upcoming crisis of the Union.
Our mission
is to claim collective ownership over the sunny lands through the natural right of sunlight harvesting, symbolizing a new era of energy utilization and environmental stewardship. We will to achieve our vision by aggregating Artificial & Natural Intelligence - "ANI" capital - autonomous neuro-social interaction system, that considers natural beings, like human networks, as a primary source of data, while artificial beings, like Internet-of-Things, as a secondary source, transcending both into human-centric "ANI" as the alternative to capital-centric "AGI" - Artificial General Intelligence.
Private Value Proposition
The European Union is passing the crisis connected with the socio-economic resistance of the European population, employed in agriculture and transportation sectors, towards Green Deal regulation; resulting in the rise of authoritarianism in the majority of European member states and enforcement of the Status Quo in Governments. This situation is similar to the end of the Soviet Union and led to the union's dissolution and ownership rights redistribution by the mafia and oligarchs. To mitigate a similar narrative, we focus on aggregation and fare distribution of the ownership and profits to underfinanced and vulnerable communities, starting from farmers, schools and SMEs. The ownership, facilitated with culture, provides people with the feelings of dignity and responsibility, required for a collective action towards desired goals set by Green Deal.
To retain and re-lease ownership locally to people who produce and consume, we use Non-Transferable "soulbound" tokens, issued by WeRa Capital - - Collective Investment Company, legally registered in Portugal under the observation of the National Bank of Portugal and the Portuguese Securities Market Commission, is dedicated to operating cohorts of co-owned RWA - "CELL" companies for every Solar Park project.
- It holds shares of all the RWA within the conglomerate all over Europe and issues digital depositary receipts in one decentralised and EU-complied registry platform WeGovern, accessible online 24/7 via non-transferable bonding WeG tokens as the ownership rights - "Y-shares"
- Holding WeG tokens is equal to saving capital into the store of value while bonding WeG is equal to the investment of capital in bonding activities.
- Curation of the Y-shares as the collective store of value is performed by the Executive Board - BFT-elected Officers half by Legal Board, half by WeG holders.
Market Value Proposition
We aim to deliver a comprehensive suite of services, powered and secured with the tokenisation of Real-World Assets by compliant ZK-KYC Certification of Shareholder decentralised registry and Shares legal split based on associated rights into digital twin-tokens: “Y-shares” - ownership, and “X-shares” - profit rights access tokens via digital depositary receipts, issued by WeRa STAK Netherlands - Stichting AdministratieKantoor, is a Dutch foundation, supervised by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, used to separate Ownership from Profit rights for control retention within the local shareholder groups while providing economic benefits to the international base.
- It holds shares of WeRa Capital Portugal and issues digital depositary receipts in one decentralised and EU-complied registry platform WeProfit, accessible online 24/7 via transferable staking WeP tokens as the profit rights - "X-shares".
- The SMART combination of WeG bonding and WeP staking with WeD utility creates long-term and ensured expenditure plans with regular dividends with personalised Terms & Conditions - YX Digital Impact Bonds.
- Curation of the X-shares as the collective units of accounts is performed by the Legal Board - BFT-elected Officers half by Impact Board, half by WeP holders. Their composition: a Digital Impact Bond (DIBond), issued in partnership with Nordic Banks, will unleash digitally-regulated bottom-up funding to fuel the positive climate and socio-economic impact.
Public Value Proposition
Solar State is a living equilibrium of 3 capital flows: political, economic and social, supplied and monitored by locally co-owned RWA infrastructure. Using the digital separation of power principle in arbitrage of sectoral balances, we copy the Public State function - funding stream targeted and supervised by the public validators network, executed by the private businesses network and arbitraged by the foreign economic network. Validation process is a Public function, so we support it with marketing utility "PR-loyalty" tokens, issued by the WeRa Foundation - A non-profit civil society association (NPCSA), is a charitable foundation, supervised by the Swiss Civil Code, used for balancing Ownership and Profit rights with Social rights, aligning our Public interests within an Environment-Society-Culture basis.
- It holds the Golden Share of WeRa STAK Dutch and issues digital loyalty receipts in one decentralised and EU-complied registry platform WeDo, accessible online 24/7 via trasferable utility WeD tokens as the social rights - "PR-loyalty".
- The combination of WeG bonding and WeD utility creates a subscription-based stream of donation-loyalty points, balancing economic influence over our political capital; and utilised within the WeRa Global network for discounts and recognition - Y-Loyalty Impact NFTs.
- Curation of the PR-loyalty as the collective units of exchange is performed by the Impact Board - BFT-elected Officers half by the Executive Board, half by WeD holders.
This composition copies high-level state government processes, creating a legal and financial regulatory shield around our conglomerative partnership, enabling sovereign operations under autonomous regulation around Solar RWA to focus on the Environment-Society-Culture impact.
OKRs for 2025
In 2024 -2025 by executing our plan we aim to have RWA Solar Park, composed of 3 SPVs in energy production, energy storage & farming and energy consumption in the 7.7 ha of beautiful land of Sintra, Portugal, co-owned, managed and operated by local labour and consumer community:
- Solar Energy Capacity: Expansion and efficient management of solar energy production capacities
- 1st SPV: 1-2 MegaWatt Solar Capacity Solar Park ready for energy production by Solar Assets in 2025 within our RWA park.
- CO2 Balance: Monitoring and improving the CO2 balance within the areas of WeRa Capital's presence, contributing to environmental sustainability.
- 2nd SPV: conservation of 1-2 kilotons CO2 emissions in the 2025 year by the regenerative farming activities, supplied with our Solar energy.
Our simple solution for ownership and profit rights composition into Digital Impact Bond by encrypted ESG data 24/7 validation and verification flow, designed to be capable of bearing €1,000,000,000,000 of capital investment for effective pan-European systematic impact on Environment, Society and Culture for the next 3+30 years, ensuring stable returns based on the “co-ownership” re-leasing plan.
WeRa Global History
accepted into Climate Round 10 months ago.