The mission of Earth Commons (EC) is to transform the funding and governance of nature’s commons, such as the atmosphere, forests, fisheries, oceans, biodiversity, freshwater reservoirs, and other ecosystem services, by uniting the forces of Web2, Web3, research, philanthropy, and industry.
We build bridges between climate entrepreneurs, academics, technologists, funders, NGOs, and international public institutions. By harnessing the power of emerging technologies like AI, Blockchain, and IoT, we aim to facilitate incentive alignment, cooperation, and accountability to steward the Earth’s precious resources in perpetuity. We do this by organizing conferences, hackathons, and developer residencies, and through the provision of grants.
At the heart of our efforts, we envision a future where the Earth is universally recognized and managed as the collective treasure it truly is—the ultimate commons.
Earth Commons History
accepted into Climate Solutions Round 7 months ago.
accepted into Climate Round 11 months ago.