Climate Solutions Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Aug 2024 12:00 to 21 Aug 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 125000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$12500 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
21 Aug 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
🌻 Sunflower EcoTech 🌻
Project aimed at empowering small-scale regenerators by providing a dApp (RegenID) to ease their entry into Regenerative Finance, plus developing a methodology (Adaptive Agroforestry & Smallholder Stewardship) to verify and monetize their environmental restoration work.
Silvi is a public beta app for registering and geotagging tree plantings, offering vetted projects stewardship and MRV payments, and pledging 25% of Gitcoin grants to reforestation initiatives.
Carbon Counting Club
Gardening club turns into carbon offset business using biochar, compost, and mulch, issuing tokens for sequestered CO2, funding philanthropy, supporting members, and building self-sustaining liquidity via NFTs and investments.
Mi Costa de Oro
Our community project in Costa de Oro, Venezuela, focuses on regeneration, driving environmental cleanup, educational initiatives for youth, and supporting local economics with crypto payments.
Carrot Network: Unified Layer for the Circular Economy
A blockchain network aimed at boosting recycling rates to 90% in 10 years, generating recycling and carbon credits to combat climate change and transition to a circular economy.
DeFood: Decentralized Food Security Network (DFSN)
DeFood establishes local and virtual networks for food security, utilizing Salt Spring Island as a model to enhance food production, community building, and carbon sequestration through regenerative agriculture and digital solutions.
Huerto Comunitario la Milpaa
A community initiative in Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico produces organic vegetables using permaculture, seeking funding for operations, tools, and a greenhouse while integrating RWA tokenization for transparency.
ImpactEvaluation.Foundation 🌱 IEF
Create a collaborative, open-source platform to consolidate best practices in ecological impact verification, offer training for impact verifiers, and develop a transparent marketplace for verification services.
The Solar Foundation & GoodDollar: Solar + UBI to Empower Women in Uganda
Accelerating off-grid solar solutions in Africa, The Solar Foundation focuses on full-stack solutions like community centers with solar power, contributing to health, education, and income while reducing emissions.
Initiative for forest restoration and water sanitation in DRC Congo Basin involving local communities, focusing on reforestation, clean water, and environmental education. Requires funding for tech, seedlings, and community engagement.
Nature Inspires - Chiguru Ecospace
A sustainable initiative fostering appreciation for nature through an organic farm, farmers market, plant nursery, and eco-tourism, aiming to preserve biodiversity, promote eco-friendly practices, and educate future generations.
Non-profit finalist in XPRIZE competition aims to stop deforestation by 2030, employing local communities for data collection and offering financial transparency via a platform.
Family Food Bank (ReFi)
The Family Food Bank Project empowers families through sustainable tech, enhances food security, energy efficiency, and community resilience, leveraging Web3 and blockchain for global deployment and impact.
Project to map ancient trees globally, incentivize conservation through NFTs and rewards, establish seed libraries and sapling nurseries, and form a wisdom-sharing council to guide environmental stewardship efforts.