Climate Solutions Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Aug 2024 12:00 to 21 Aug 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 125000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$12500 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
21 Aug 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Green Planet Conservation Initiative
Planting 1 million trees in Northern Nigeria by 2030 to combat climate change, soil erosion, and biodiversity loss through school campaigns and local partnerships.
Aluxes 🌴
A model for conservation and regeneration of tropical rainforests through soil regeneration, pollination, conservation, and education sectors to foster a sustainable and bioregional economy.
PROJECT FOR ECO – RESTORATION AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT (A project for Climate Solution, Sustainable environmental protection and Women empowerment through Self-Help groups )
The project targets climate change with sustainable ecological development, community rehabilitation, and women's empowerment through eco-village creation, afforestation, and generating forest-based livelihoods for rural women.
Digital ID for Climate Adaptation
This project examines digital identity as a resilience measure for small island populations, focusing on adaptation and capacity-building in response to sea-level rise impacts on islands like Palau and Vanuatu.
A mobile app offering a peer-to-peer environmental search engine and business location aggregator, free of ads, with features including blockchain integration, community-driven climate action, and sustainability support.
EcoSynthesisX - Empowering Environmental Impact with Blockchain
Utilizing Web3 and blockchain, we're transforming Public Goods into liquid assets, developing impact product collections, and creating an impact marketplace to support environmental and economic initiatives.
Nature Defenders partners with Closer to issue a land-based token to conserve 100ha of sacred forest in the Philippines
A digital platform leveraging Closer technology for conservation, regenerative agriculture, and eco-tourism with indigenous tribes in the Philippines. The pilot involves protecting 100ha of sacred forest.
Change Code: Piloting a SolarBond for Sustainable Economic Growth in Tanzania
Pioneering a sustainable funding model, our project pilots a web3-native Social Impact Bond in Tanzania, utilizing Change Credits for impact investment to support local solar-powered businesses and community development.
Ama Earth Group - Earth Development Company "Taking Climate Change into Our Own Hands" 🔨
Initiative combining technology, indigenous wisdom, and community efforts to regenerate ecosystems via a subscription model funding projects like mangrove planting and coral reef restoration.
Treegens DAO🌳
A project incentivizing tree planting through blockchain technology, aiming to plant 1 billion mangroves by 2025 by rewarding planters with $MGRO tokens and promoting transparency with Non-Fungible Updates.
♻️ #GigsGoGreen - a movement for Gig Workers (initially Uber / Lyft / rideshare app drivers)
Initiative to recruit 10 million Gig Workers into sustainability-focused cooperatives by 2030, promoting electric vehicles, community solar energy, and cooperative real estate.
Plastic Pioneers
Plastic Pioneers in South Africa combats plastic pollution by incentivizing waste collection, upcycling into products, and empowering disadvantaged communities, fostering environmental sustainability and economic opportunities.
Petra Aroma Bar & Wellness: Nature-Based Aromatherapy Solutions for Climate Health
Summary We are a regenerative aromatherapy center using sustainable farming in Puerto Rico to create natural, therapeutic herbal infusions, aiming to offset carbon footprints and foster community wellness.
RegenBuild 🏡
RegenBuild aims to transform urban development by creating feedback loops to incentivize regenerative practices in the built environment, using a common language framework, a digital Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification platform, and a protocol to equitably distribute rewards.
Bangalore Microgreens
Urban hydroponic initiative in Bangalore establishes rooftop gardens, reducing food transport emissions and fostering community food resilience and social interaction.