Project Overview
Green Planet Conservation Initiative is a non-governmental organization that promotes environmental conservation, sustainable practices, and education through its green project initiative, which is focused on agroforestry, reforestation, regenerative agriculture, and climate change awareness programs in schools and local communities. We aim to create a more sustainable future for the next generation through our initiatives. We strive to leave a positive impact on the world and inspire future leaders to continue the mission of protecting the environment.
Problem Northern Nigeria is a region facing Continuous deforestation because of the need for food, medicine, charcoal, and timber. The loss of tree cover, rainfall variability, increased temperature and events like wind erosion has had severe environmental consequences. In addition to tremendous loss of biodiversity, the region experiences soil degradation, erosion, desertification and landslides. According to the United Nations, Nigeria has the highest rate of deforestation in the world, losing 3.7 percent of its forest every year. It is also home to Africa’s largest mangrove forest, but only six percent is protected. Its multiple ecological zones have given rise to a wide range of livelihoods, agricultural practices, and commodities, all of which are affected by climate change and shocks. Solution Our Green Project initiative is helping to address the interconnected challenges of deforestation, climate change, environmental education, and biodiversity conservation, leading to a more sustainable future for our environment and communities. It will also raise awareness among school children and communities about the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability. By engaging students in tree planting activities, it will help instill a sense of responsibility and empower them to protect their local environment. We are also partnering with Federal College of forestry to preserve and conserve Pterocarpus erinaceus, commonly known as African Rosewood, a valuable and endangered species of tree native to Nigeria and Sahelian region of West Africa. but due to over-exploitation and habitat loss, this species is at risk of extinction. More than 40 % of our planted trees since the end GG20 were of this endangered species. The Green Planet Conservation Initiative is also committed to ensuring the transparency, accuracy, and effectiveness of our tree planting activities. To achieve this, we are employed a digital Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (dMRV) Silvi protocol. These digital tools will enhance our ability to monitor tree growth, track progress, and provide verifiable data to our stakeholders. Long term Impact Our vision is to create a sustainable future for generations to come by promoting tree planting and environmental conservation in schools and local communities. We believe that by planting trees, we can help to mitigate the effects of climate change and create a more sustainable environment. We also believe that by raising awareness about environmental conservation through school campaigns, we can inspire young people to take action and make a positive impact on the world. The knowledge of planting and protecting trees will be passed on to the next generations. Our goal is to plant 1 million trees in Northern Nigeria by 2030 through our school campaign program, that is aimed at reaching 100,000 students in the region. We hope to achieve this by partnering with local organizations, schools, and communities to promote tree planting and environmental conservation. We also provide educational resources and training to teachers and students to help them understand the importance of environmental conservation. Our specific focus is on empowering school children with tree planting.
Update Since GG20 we have been able to carry out our campaign in five schools and a local community We reached out to them with our awareness creation and tree planting exercise. We also employed the use of dMRV for our planted trees. We planted 46 trees onchain within this period. We also entered into a partnership with the College of Forestry in Jos to re-introduce a species of tree, Pterocarpus erinaceus going into extinction, which was among the trees we planted after GG20. We were able to secure approval to reach out to more public schools, and we are hoping to commence another batch of tree planting in September 2024. So far, we have been able to cover 15 schools and a local community, reaching out to about 6,000 students since the beginning of 2024. Some of the species of trees planted include Pterocarpus erinaceus, Canarium Schweinfurthii, Terminalia mentalis, Mangifera Indica, Hura crepitan, terminalis catappa. NGO%2C Green Planet Conservation,interview on Sunday in Jos
Green Planet Conservation Initiative History
accepted into Climate Solutions Round 7 months ago.
applied to the Regenerative Land Projects 10 months ago which was rejected
accepted into $EARTH 🌞🌎 11 months ago.
accepted into Climate Round 11 months ago.