Climate Solutions Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Aug 2024 12:00 to 21 Aug 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 125000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$12500 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
21 Aug 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Regen Atlas 🌍
A platform for green finance, consolidating diverse green crypto assets and stakeholders into a global marketplace, enhancing reliability, accessibility, and innovation. Recent advancements include database expansion and new partnerships.
Kawagumba Village Community Farming project
Establish a self-sustaining farm and orphanage school in Homa Bay, Kenya, to provide food, employment, and education, aimed at eradicating poverty and malnutrition. Total budget: $76,200.
Ecovillage network in Ukraine
GEN Ukraine unites 60 ecovillages to create resilient, sustainable communities through regenerative practices, renewable energy, and education, despite challenges like war and economic crises.
Anu Initiative
Anu Initiative, a not-for-profit based in Dublin, provides a transparent platform for tracking donations and contributions, aiming to deliver tangible ecological impact in addressing the global environmental crisis.
Fundación Salva Terra
Colombian foundation focused on transforming agriculture through organic farming, rural social integration, product commercialization, and sustainability practices like waste management and reforestation.
Litter Token
Litter Token incentivizes global litter cleanup with crypto rewards, aiming to collect 100k pieces of litter, become a nonprofit, and improve verification tech for a 1M goal.
Ayowecca Uganda: Training rural farmers & indigenous communities on regenerative agriculture, providing women & girls with new skills for economic empowerment, and planting fruit trees in schools, health centers & churches.
Ugandan NGO trains rural farmers in sustainable agriculture, offers community climate resilience workshops, and aims to expand its facilities to empower women, families, and youth, while conducting large-scale tree planting and wetland restoration.
Atlantis develops tech for climate and social project coordination, streamlining NGOs and Social Enterprises' impact creation, operations, fundraising, and team management.
Barichara Regeneration Fund – Prototyping a Bioregional Regenerative Economy
Supporting regeneration of 500,000-hectare Andes ecosystem through local projects, including syntropic agroforestry, community kitchens, reforestation, theater, and a nature reserve, with aim to prototype a regenerative bioregional economy.
Carbon Anti-Theft
Develop a smart contract "Carbon Flow" using ERC-1155 to limit carbon credit transfers, prevent theft, and facilitate a market of carbon accountants. Funds needed for DAO UI completion and audit.
Rifai Sicilia
Empowering Sicilian communities through regenerative finance, Rifai Sicilia connects locals and projects, planting trees, creating food forests, providing education, and promoting ReFi with tech and on-chain activities.
Bloom Network
Bloom Network empowers global grassroots impact with Web3 tools, enabling local environmental and economic actions. Features local DAO governance, skillshares, and a reputation-based rewards system.
Kokonut Network; Perpetual Value Ecosystem
Eco-friendly blockchain ecosystem connecting web3 and agriculture to develop, fund, and manage syntropic plantations through a DAO, aiming to support underserved farmers and create perpetual natural assets.
Incentivizes cleaner waste treatment with IoT sensors and data transparency, rewarding compliant entities for environmental sustainability.
Climate Solutions Aggregator
Create an AI-powered platform to aggregate and tokenize climate solutions data, ensuring integrity and transparency for a free-access marketplace, and onboard projects to use crypto wallets and GloDollar.