Climate Solutions Aggregator
average score over 1 application evaluations
Create an AI-powered platform to aggregate and tokenize climate solutions data, ensuring integrity and transparency for a free-access marketplace, and onboard projects to use crypto wallets and GloDollar.

We propose an aggregator of Climate Solutions datapoints. For then... build a minter to tokenize the data for integrity and transparency.

We will use ML and AI to source and global sources, this way projects and people can have 1 place to find climate solutions as a free access marketplace of validated information.

  • MRV (Measurement, Reporting, and Verification), certified projects, surveillance methods, project name and geographical location, data accuracy, frequency of reporting, compliance reports, transparency methods, third-party vinificators, audits, data collection methods, impact on ecosystem, cost of MRV, benefits, principal clients, integration with other systems.
  • Biogas, energy generation, cost of production, project location, plant capacity, geographical distribution, cost of product or services.
  • Carbon Sequestration project list, location, verification status, credit issuer, project duration.
  • Clean energy by source (e.g., solar, wind, hydro, geothermal), energy production production techniques, projects location, amount of clean energy produced (in MWh), emission reductions metrics, financial investment by project.
  • Blue carbon sequestration projects, technical procedures, total area, location, carbon sequestration rate, impact on local biodiversity, credit issuer, certifications.
  • Water Management, amount of water saved. better management practices, energy usage, water quality, cost of project.

The intention is that other builders on climate technologies have a cluster of information. And building a reliable database on where to implement blockchain technology.

This cluster of information would be available to projects building on Arbitrum.

One important mission is to onboard the projects, companies, entities to have a crypto wallet and accept GloDollar for their services and products.

Climate Solutions Aggregator History

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