
$146.83 crowdfunded from 28 people

$394.84 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
A non-profit initiative documenting and sharing authentic stories from various communities to counter misinformation and inspire positive change, seeking funding for post-production and future projects.

Stories Unveiled is a young non-profit project in its early stages with the aim to share stories from individuals, communities and projects in a transparent and genuine way. In today's media landscape, misinformation and fake news have become pervasive issues that undermine the very foundations of an informed and engaged society.

Zuzalu, for example, in the media is mostly described inaccurately as an elitist meetup focused only on longevity. Yet, many participants found Zuzalu inspiring and life-changing. This sort of negative focused media discourages potential attendees, missing the chance for positive experiences.

In a world often saturated with fabricated narratives and distorted information, we are committed to restoring authenticity and integrity to storytelling.

The crew led by Noah Chon Lee, Rachel Shu and Olivia Cabrera, our purpose is to provide a platform for individuals and communities whose voices might otherwise go unheard, we aim to educate, inspire and inform the audience, providing a direct link to fund these communities and stories if wanted.

We've already documented and are currently working in the post production of Zanzibar's special economic zone and Ecuador's indigenous communities. As dedicated volunteers, we're investing our time in editing these narratives. Additional funding would allow us to dedicate more time to editing, enabling us to share these inspiring stories with the Zuzalu community and beyond.

Next on our agenda is showcasing stories of community governance, collaborating with groups like Rojava in Syria, and engaging with platforms like the upcoming Zuzalu event. By funding future projects, you become an essential part of turning these narratives into a reality.

By contributing to Stories Unveiled, you're not just providing funding – you're investing in stories that matter. Your support enables us to bring to life the voices of individuals and communities worldwide, sharing their experiences, challenges, and triumphs.

StoriesUnveiled History

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