Climate Solutions Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Aug 2024 12:00 to 21 Aug 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 125000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$12500 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
21 Aug 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
A generative art NFT series embedding verifiable carbon removal credits to promote onchain climate action, merging art, technology, and social engagement for collective environmental impact. Created by Cyrus Clarke.
Traditional Dream Factory - the first web3 powered regenerative village - is investing in biochar-producing infrastructure
Implement a biomass gasifier to produce biochar for a regenerative agriculture project in Portugal, enhancing soil health and carbon sequestration with an aim to issue carbon credits.
RootedLABs : Climate, Agriculture, Open Source Tooling
Developing open-source urban agriculture technology to combat food insecurity and environmental issues by fostering community and tech partnerships for sustainable farming practices and educational programs.
ReFi Phangan
Engage the Koh Phangan community in regenerative finance and sustainability through events, NFTs for environmental initiatives, cleanups, and educational outreach, while planning a recycling project, Re:Plast, to convert plastic waste into valuable products.
TAS(Tech and Sun)
The initiative uses solar power and technology to improve infrastructure in the Global South, creating job opportunities, and providing community charge stations with a prototype ready by Q3 2024.
Trusted Seed Mentorship Program
A global network enhancing regenerative economies via token engineering and DAO governance, focusing on mentorship, diverse community-building, innovative initiatives, and climate action through various programs and collaborative events.
Greenpill Kenya Climate Round.
Implementing robust sustainability initiatives focusing on environmental improvement, regenerative agriculture, tree planting, and educational workshops for community and biodiversity enhancement in Kenya.
Ekonavi is an ecological initiative platform supporting and mapping projects in agroforestry, bioconstruction, permaculture, sustainable energy, and decentralized finance to aid planetary regeneration.
The Anthropogenic Impact Accounting Ontology (AIAO) describes human environmental impacts, enabling aggregation and comparison across different standards. It provides a foundational tool for consistent climate impact accounting.
$REGEN Tokenomics Working Group
Developing a governance and expertise center within the Regen network focused on enhancing the $REGEN token, rewarding ecological sustainability, promoting accurate ecological data sharing, and supporting ecological tech innovation.
Team Cerro Nara
A nonprofit active in Costa Rica and California, engaged in rainforest restoration, wildlife research, poacher prevention, community building, and permaculture gardening.
Democratizing space technology via a DAO that nurtures a community for space exploration innovation, supports projects with an incubator program, and promotes open science through decentralized tools and tokenization.
Solarpunk Nomads: 2 new vehicles, 2nd Route and Solarpunk Hub in Italy
Solarpunk Nomadism envisions a sustainable future with nomadic changemakers using renewable-powered vehicles, community hubs for climate action, and safe places resilient to climate change.
Pollen Buzz Initiative
Initiative focuses on fighting climate change via sustainable beekeeping, offering training, workshops, and fostering community, using raised funds to expand education and partnerships.
Coral Connect
Revolutionary coral conservation approach: Real-time growth tracking and direct donation impact on reefs, using innovative tech and personalized coral discs for donors, scaling to Indonesia with government support.