Climate Solutions Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Aug 2024 12:00 to 21 Aug 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 125000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$12500 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
21 Aug 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Our project leverages blockchain, privacy-preserving machine learning, zero-knowledge proofs, and zero trust architecture to revolutionize smart grid data sharing, enhancing energy efficiency, privacy, and sustainability.
Blockchain CO2e Emissions Calculator
Menthol Protocol offers a Web3 carbon footprint calculator to promote sustainable blockchain projects by tracking, calculating, and offsetting CO2e emissions, aiming to expand and integrate across multiple networks.
The Clean Wave
A value-driven organization mobilizing communities to make impactful decisions and actions in various circumstances.
Kula Earth Regenerative Commons
Fostering deeper belonging through regenerative design, Sacred Earth Regenerative Commons collaborates locally and globally to create urban sanctuaries, emphasizing community engagement and sustainable ecological practices.
Elephant in the Room Strategic Climate Solutions
The Elephant Room spearheads multimedia campaigns collaborating with diverse organizations to promote climate action, leveraging blockchain for scalable solutions, and countering climate misinformation globally.
We provide weekly news, education, and analytical insights on Web3 regenerative finance, along with a comprehensive ReFi project database and a monthly newsletter in collaboration with ReFi DAO.
La Madriguera
We were born as a small reforestation area, becoming a playground open to the public so that people can have contact with nature outdoors.
Drivyx ESG
Drivyx develops AI and blockchain-based tools for accessible and transparent ESG investing, aligning capital with projects supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals for global impact.
The Aquapurge Project
A global movement incentivizing shoreline pollution reporting and cleanups, using a DAO for funding decisions, and rewarding participants with eco-friendly products. Over 1,900 kg of trash were already removed.
Scaling-Up Community-Driven Adaptive Capacity and Resilience of Peasants and Artisanal Fishing Community Living around the Threatened Biodiversity Hotspot of Mida Creek
Develop and implement climate-resilient livelihood programs to empower vulnerable communities in Kilifi County, Kenya, through sustainable practices, biodiversity conservation, and alternative income sources, enhancing their long-term well-being.
Kolektivo Network
Kolektivo is a project that equips emerging and developing countries with a web platform and mobile app to create local impact-driven economies, enhancing resource coordination, community regeneration, and financial inclusion through community currency and skill badges.
Fork Forest
A ReFi project in Córdoba, Argentina, promoting environmental conservation and social responsibility through community participation and collaboration, including notable efforts like native tree planting and agrochemical misuse prevention.
Adopt a Tree
Primary school tree planting initiative to educate students on climate change, increase tree cover, improve nutrition, and engage local community in environmental conservation activities.
AgroforestDAO GG21
We aim to support sustainable agroforestry by using web3 tools in Brazil, incentivizing intergenerational stewardship and decentralizing agrarian community efforts through NFTs and Hypercerts.