Elephant in the Room Strategic Climate Solutions
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The Elephant Room spearheads multimedia campaigns collaborating with diverse organizations to promote climate action, leveraging blockchain for scalable solutions, and countering climate misinformation globally.

The Elephant Room is a decentralized campaign organization that creates multimedia campaigns to move the needle on climate change. Working with Indigenous organizations, Web3 entities, voting organizations, neighbourhoods, cities and activists to promote climate action to communities around the world and to counter the vast array of fossil fuel advertising and disinformation.

GG21 Update

Since the last round we have created foundational crypto materials to familiarize businesses, governments, climate organizations, activists and media with how blockchain can be useful for climate solutions.

We are also now working with blockchain enabled climate solutions projects to help tell their stories and create replicable and scalable templates for decision makers and other businesses.

We have created this website as a forkable resource and to facilitate ongoing discussion and iteration as the space evolves.

We have begun training speakers to decentralize the process of spreading awareness and driving participation.


Created and deployed grant round for climate projects: Amplifying Impact – Bonus Funding for Outstanding GG20 Projects

Presented unlockingclimatesolutions.com for the first time at Eth Denver

We have received two grants from the Ethereum Foundation to enable our work. This has given us the opportunity to work with some exciting blockchain enabled climate solutions projects and help tell their stories. Our goal is to create replicable and scalable templates for decision makers and other businesses.

Elephant in the Room Banner

Strategic messaging about the climate crisis needs to be around every corner including the corners of Web3 and yet, it is mostly absent. Even with a worsening situation every day, extreme weather events and storms becoming the norm, yet still well under 1 percent of overall news coverage was devoted to climate change last year and a majority of people still report that they rarely talk about climate change with their friends and family.

A billboard that says Vote for Salmon not a pipeline

While the majority of people understand that climate change is real, there is still no feeling of urgency and rarely are people aware of the solutions available to us…our mission is to change that. making the solutions real and tangible for people.

We need a major shift in our approach to communications around the climate crisis. In order to do that we connect the dots for people on the things that motivate them to act; finding the inroads in specific communities around urgency, step-by-step solutions, and alternatives.

We “fill the gaps” by organizing and implementing the type of strategic campaigns that no one else is doing. Working both independently as well as with other nonprofits, First Nations/Native Americans, governments of all sizes and other partners to spread awareness, motivate change, find common ground and make solutions a reality.

A picture from the Great Climate Race

Our campaigns are local, involve existing networks and grassroots organizations and both air and ground games. We utilize digital platforms as well as traditional and in person methods to create a sense of community involvement as well as political mandate. We also work to incorporate important messaging into existing media (TV, Film, radio, podcasts etc.)

We have worked on hundreds of campaigns over the past 25 years ranging from stopping destructive mega projects at the community level to actively participating in and speaking at world summits; always with the goal of changing the conversation especially with those not already in the conversation.

a climate solutions ad on the side of a streetcar

What problem do we address?

We address the "elephant in the room". Looking for ways to communicate and dialog with people about climate solutions that are usually left out of the conversation. We work with indigenous groups, immigrants, farmers and those about to be sunset out of energy jobs. We work with diversity, equity and inclusion groups as well as social and climate justice organizations. We are constantly testing what works and what doesn’t work; where the polarity lies and how to stop the divisiveness that has infiltrated every conversation.

How we address it?

Our goal through each of our campaigns is to turn apathy, fear, and discord into action, cooperation and ultimately, heroism.

A few examples of our work includes;

The Great Climate Race

A 10, and 2k virtual race and road race on the Vancouver waterfront and peer to peer crowdfunding web app to raise funds per mile for renewable energy projects

Watch the Video!

Conversations for Responsible Economic Development

Bringing businesses into the climate conversation. Engaged hundreds of businesses in working collaboratively. Outreach and educational activities including research papers and multimedia as well as media relations

CRED Website

Tar Sands Campaign

Strategic campaign to bring awareness to tar sands projects and issues

a banner at a rally at a UN climate convention that says stop the tarsands


Film, television and music PSAs and strategic climate messaging

Elephant in the Room Banner

Raven Coal Mine

Successful campaign that stopped a coal mine in coastal forest habitat

Climate Action Plans (CAPs)

Creating CAP’s for local governments Climate Action Plans

FIPA (Canada/China trade treaty) legal challenge

Working alongside the Hupacasath Nation to mount a Federal legal challenge against a problematic and dangerous trade treaty

Tsleil Waututh Nation Sacred Trust initiative

Helped to a support a major, decade long ongoing initiative to stop the Kinder Morgan pipeline and protect Burrard Inlet, West Coast and the climate

A billboard featuring an image of Kayah George


National and regional election campaigns focused on raising awareness about climate change and encouraging people to push politicians for action

A flyer made for the Vote Climate campaign

Cool Neighbourhoods

UN award winning on-the-ground climate program in 27 neighbourhoods around Vancouver

Carbon Budget project/eDemocracy

Created carbon budgets and climate engagements for local governments and authorities in Canada, US and Australia

eDemocracy Network website

And much more...

Thank you for your support!

Elephant in the Room Strategic Climate Solutions History

People donating to Elephant in the Room Strategic Climate Solutions , also donated to

Accelerating access to solar energy for underserved communities via blockchain, The Solar Foundation focuses on off-grid projects in Africa and pilot UBI programs for rural empowerment and climate resilience.
Digital currency $Earth is live on Polygon Mainnet, backing climate solutions with goals to fund clean energy, sustainable agriculture, clean transport, and ecosystem conservation globally.
We were born as a small reforestation area, becoming a playground open to the public so that people can have contact with nature outdoors. https://ibb.co/KKJR8bS
Launched $EARTH cryptocurrency, funded regenerative projects, incentivizing eco-positive actions, aiming to mobilize $5 trillion for clean energy and conservation, and to value natural ecosystems.
Developing Change Credits, a new transparent and efficient composable financial instrument aimed at democratizing impact investing and providing sustainable funding for small social enterprises and community organizations.