Blockchain CO2e Emissions Calculator
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Menthol Protocol offers a Web3 carbon footprint calculator to promote sustainable blockchain projects by tracking, calculating, and offsetting CO2e emissions, aiming to expand and integrate across multiple networks.

Blockchain CO2e Emissions Calculator Menthol Protocol aims to make blockchain and Web3 projects environmentally sustainable🌳. It makes it easy for anyone or any project to track, calculate, and offset their carbon footprint on Web3.

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🎯Our mission is to support the tokenization and decentralisation of the carbon market, enhancing transparency in sustainability efforts. Our initial goal is to expand our CO2e emission calculator across the entire Web3 space. Currently, our calculator is operational on the Ethereum and Krest networks, and we are actively developing a solution for the forthcoming Peaq network.

We invite you to visit and try our 👉 calculator 👇 🧪🔬You can explore our detailed documentation at to see how it functions, and our repo is at alt text

💸We are committing 100% of the requested grant funds to expand our coverage across various blockchain networks and enhance the reach of sustainability projects within the ecosystem. Additionally, these funds will support the development of incentives and awareness programs. These initiatives will help projects and individuals understand the impacts of CO2e footprint and provide guidance on how to offset their carbon footprint in the Web3 world.

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👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Our carbon footprint calculator will be open-source and will continuously improve alongside scientifically-based research, which will also be published. There are numerous scientific metrics and methodologies for calculating off-chain carbon footprints. However, both the web3 and non-web3 ecosystems are evolving rapidly, as are the methodologies for calculating non-avoidable emissions. We are dedicated to continue our efforts to keep up to date regarding these trend changes and improve our solution to the most optimal. Please check our github repository for our open source calculator.

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🏭After fine-tuning this solution to decarbonizing web3, we want to offer the same service to any individual, community, or organisation in the non-web3 world (web2). We have already started developing a project that creates a bridge between the web3 and non-web3 world by launching a partnership with a commercial bank with 12 million customers which will be utilised to encourage its web3 users to be involved in its non-web3 regenerative projects. Further announcements regarding our partnership are planned to be made by May 2024.

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🍀Menthol Protocol has launched its CO2e emission calculator and its beta dapp and is already in a phase of growth, increasing its partnership on all fronts, trying to spread its solution across the blockchain ecosystem, and continuing to raise awareness within the community. We are looking forward to solidifying our use case in the web3 space and making it possible for any web3 shareholder to have easy access to tools necessary to take climate action. As we are already creating projects and seeking projects that would smooth our transition from web3 to non-web3, as we are eager to offer these solutions that are also available and accessible for anyone interested in making an impact regarding the carbon footprint. Our roadmap is designed to capture this core idea of setting a strong use case in blockchain and growing stronger in all areas to offer easy solutions to make it effortless to take climate action.

🌿Menthol Protocol is dedicated to creating public goods and services starting and web3 space and expanding into web2 to offer easy-to-use and automated tools for anyone to take action in sustainability. Currently, we are striving to expand our coverage and create a successful use case in the blockchain ecosystem. In order to strengthen our efforts, create more community engagement and raise awareness around sustainability we are planning to use all the funds we can raise, which will be a great way to escalate our endeavours.

alt text 🌱We are an 8-person strong team and plan to grow as we are motivated to expand our solution and spread sustainability efforts all across the blockchain ecosystem. Together with our community, advisors, and specialists who support us on our journey, we will further produce sound scientific literature and analysis. By including all shareholders within the sustainability ecosystem, we envision creating accessible, cheaper, more efficient, and accurate tools to spread actions around sustainability goals.

We’d be so grateful for your support in GG20!

👇Please find our detailed roadmap below 👇

Q1-Q4 2022 SEED ✅Launch the official website
 ✅Publish Menthol Protocol CoolPaper ✅Raised funds from Republic Crypto, LD Capital and Moonrock Capital ✅Onboarding team members, advisors, and specialists ✅Co-sponsored the first climate-positive blockchain event, Next Block Expo, in Berlin and aided in offsetting its emissions. Q1-Q4 2023 SPROUT ✅Integrate with on-chain sustainability partners ✅Developed a CO2e emission calculator for Ethereum ✅Beta launch of CoolPools to help calculate and offset emissions for select partners ✅Developed a CO2e emission methodology and calculator for Peaq’s testnet, Krest Network on Polkadot. GROWTH Q1 2024 ✅Update blockchain emission calculator on Ethereum ✅Raise awareness of ReFi and Menthol Protocol through co-sponsoring, attending, and/or offsetting 10+ events including ETH London ✅Partnership with a commercial bank with 12M+ users Q2 2024 ✅Ethereum, BSC L1/L2 support & integration ✅Release a free, public calculator to help users understand their emissions on Ethereum, Starknet, Binance Smart Chain, and other major networks. ✅Support automated calculation and offsetting on Peaq Network ✅Release a free, public API to help developers and users understand their emissions on Ethereum, Starknet, Binance Smart Chain Q3 2024 ⏳ Preparation for token launch and community airdrops ⏳ Token launch of $COOL on select launchpads ⏳ Public Sale, IDO and ICO ⏳ BTC L2 expansion

BLOOM Q4 2024 ⏳ Launch dapp enabling users and developers to calculate and offset their on-chain emissions with their own tokenized carbon credits on Ethereum ⏳ Full launch of automated tracking and offsetting on multiple major chains (Bitcoin, Bitcoin L2s, BSC, Polygon, Avalanche, Celo, Cardano etc.) ⏳ Release a sustainability analytics API for enterprises and projects to increase visibility of the on-chain emission of their operations and users, e.g. Exchanges, DAOs, and analytic platforms such as Etherscan, Chainlink, Dune etc.

EVERGREEN Q1-Q4 2025 ⏳ Launch Menthol DAO
 ⏳ Enable enterprises to procure and subscribe to liquid on-chain sustainability assets and services 
 ⏳ Real world carbon credits offsetting solutions for non-web3 ⏳ Organise ReFi events ⏳ Ecosystem Fund Launch to support other ReFi projects

We’d be so grateful for your support in GG20!

Thank you!

Follow us on Twitter to Stay Cool! @MentholProtocol Menthol Protocol Team

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