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Our project leverages blockchain, privacy-preserving machine learning, zero-knowledge proofs, and zero trust architecture to revolutionize smart grid data sharing, enhancing energy efficiency, privacy, and sustainability.

Our project aims to revolutionize smart grid data sharing by leveraging blockchain technology, privacy-preserving machine learning, zero-knowledge proofs, and zero trust architecture. By integrating these cutting-edge technologies, we address critical challenges in the energy sector, such as data security, privacy, and efficiency. Our platform enables smart grids to securely share insights, optimize energy distribution, and enhance sustainability without compromising user privacy. This initiative not only fosters a collaborative environment among energy providers but also contributes to significant improvements in energy efficiency, user engagement, and carbon footprint reduction. Ultimately, our project supports multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and positions itself as a pivotal infrastructure for Web3 climate solutions, driving innovation and resilience in the face of climate change.

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to revolutionize smart grid data sharing by integrating blockchain, privacy-preserving machine learning, zero-knowledge proofs, and zero trust architecture. We aim to address critical challenges in the energy sector, fostering a collaborative environment where grids can securely share insights, optimize energy distribution, and enhance sustainability without compromising user privacy.

About the Project


Imagine a world where our energy grids are not just smart but also seamlessly interconnected, optimizing energy distribution in real-time while safeguarding user privacy. Our project, Empowering Smart Grids with Secure and Private Data Sharing, aims to revolutionize the way smart grids share and utilize data to create a more efficient, resilient, and sustainable energy landscape.

The Problem

Today's energy grids face significant challenges. With the increasing adoption of renewable energy sources, the demand for efficient energy distribution has never been higher. However, traditional grids struggle with:

  • Data Silos: Energy data is often fragmented and isolated, leading to inefficiencies and a lack of real-time optimization.
  • Privacy Concerns: Sharing energy consumption data can expose sensitive information, deterring collaboration and innovation.
  • Energy Wastage: Inefficient energy distribution results in significant wastage, undermining sustainability efforts.


We propose a cutting-edge platform that enables secure and private data sharing among smart grids, leveraging blockchain technology, privacy-preserving machine learning (ML), zero-knowledge proofs, and zero trust architecture.

Key Components

  1. Blockchain for Secure and Immutable Data Sharing
  • Transparency and Security: Blockchain ensures that all data shared among grids is secure, transparent, and tamper-proof, fostering trust and collaboration.
  • Immutable Records: Every transaction and data exchange is recorded on the blockchain, providing a permanent and auditable trail.
  1. Federated Learning for Decentralized ML Training
  • Collaborative Intelligence: Federated learning allows multiple smart grids to collaboratively train ML models without sharing raw data, retaining data privacy and security.
  • Decentralized Insights: Each grid contributes to a global ML model, benefiting from collective intelligence while keeping sensitive data local. All data and analytics are encrypted and can only be accessed with the correct cipher key.
  1. Privacy-Preserving Techniques
  • Differential Privacy: Ensures that individual data points cannot be re-identified, adding an extra layer of privacy protection.
  • Homomorphic Encryption: Allows computations to be performed on encrypted data, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential even during processing.
  • Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Enable data verification without revealing the data itself, enhancing security and privacy.
  • Zero Trust Architecture: Ensures that every access request is thoroughly verified, maintaining a high level of security.

Sustainability Impact

Our platform aims to significantly enhance grid efficiency and sustainability by:

  • Optimising Energy Distribution: Real-time data sharing and advanced ML algorithms help balance supply and demand, reducing energy wastage. All data and analytics are encrypted and accessible only with the correct cipher key, ensuring security and integrity. Zero-knowledge proofs provide additional security by allowing data verification without revealing the data itself.
  • Reducing Carbon Footprint: Improved efficiency means less reliance on non-renewable energy sources, promoting a greener energy ecosystem. The use of encrypted ML models ensures that sensitive information remains confidential, even during processing. Zero trust architecture ensures that every access request is thoroughly verified, enhancing overall system security.
  • Empowering Consumers: By safeguarding privacy through encryption and zero-knowledge proofs, we aim to encourage more users to participate in energy-saving programs, further driving sustainability efforts. Consumers can be confident that their data is protected and only accessible with the appropriate cipher key.
  • Transparency and Data Authority: By giving users ownership of their data and ensuring system transparency, we aim to build trust, encouraging participation in model training and updates. This enhances data availability for carbon measurement, addressing existing challenges in sustainability metrics. The encrypted nature of data, complemented by zero trust principles, ensures that users retain control over who accesses their information.

Project Impact and Milestones

We are committed to delivering measurable impact through our project. Here are four key milestones and their updates:

Milestone 1: Initial Platform Deployment

  • Target Date: June 2024 (Completed)
  • Update: Successfully deployed the initial version of the platform in a pilot smart grid environment. The deployment included secure blockchain integration and federated learning capabilities. Initial results have demonstrated significant improvements in energy distribution efficiency and have received positive feedback from pilot users regarding data privacy and security.

Milestone 2: Pilot Phase

  • Target Date: December 2024
  • Update: Currently in progress. We are expanding the platform to additional smart grids to further test and validate its performance. This phase focuses on refining the platform's features and ensuring robust privacy-preserving techniques. Preliminary feedback indicates enhanced energy efficiency and increased user engagement in energy-saving programs.

Milestone 3: Team Expansion

  • Target Date: Ongoing, in parallel with the Pilot Phase
  • Update: To support the pilot phase and future scalability, we are expanding our team, seeking talented professionals in blockchain technology, machine learning, and cybersecurity. We are actively seeking investment to facilitate this expansion and ensure that we have the necessary resources to achieve our project goals.

Milestone 4: Full-Scale Implementation and Additional Features Rollout and User Onboarding

  • Target Date: December 2025
  • Update: Following the pilot phase, we will proceed with full-scale implementation across multiple smart grids. This milestone will include the rollout of additional features and extensive user onboarding efforts. The implementation will integrate advanced ML models and enhanced privacy-preserving techniques, aiming to further optimize energy distribution and sustainability outcomes.

Presentation and Recognition

  • ISO TC307/WG6 Presentation: Presented this use case at ISO TC307/WG6 - Blockchain for Secure and Immutable Data Sharing, showcasing its potential and gaining valuable feedback.
  • Government Pilot Scoping: Currently scoping out a government pilot, which is confidential at the moment, to further validate and enhance the platform.

SDG Alignment

Our project targets the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 13: Climate Action
  • SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Detailed Impact

The work done and ongoing

  • Started At: April 2024
  • Phases:
  • MVP: Completed in June 2024
  • Pilot Phase: In progress, expected to complete in December 2024
  • Team Expansion: Ongoing, in parallel with the Pilot Phase, to support scalability and development
  • Full-Scale Implementation and Additional Feature Rollouts: January 2025 and beyond

What impact did the work have?

  • Energy Efficiency: Aiming to achieve significant improvements in energy distribution efficiency during the pilot phase.
  • User Engagement: Targeting increased user participation in energy-saving programs due to enhanced data privacy and security.
  • Carbon Footprint: Early results indicate a reduction in carbon footprint through optimized energy distribution.
  • Trust and Transparency: Building trust among users by ensuring data ownership and transparency, encouraging active participation.

Proof of Impact

  • Pilot Results: Available upon request (confidential).
  • User Feedback: Received positive feedback regarding data privacy and security.
  • Preliminary Data: Indicates significant improvements in energy efficiency and increased user participation (detailed data is confidential).

Business Model, Current Stage and Preferred Growth and Funding Path: https://bit.ly/fd-details


By integrating blockchain, privacy-preserving ML, zero-knowledge proofs, and zero trust architecture into smart grid data sharing, our platform addresses critical challenges in the energy sector. It fosters a collaborative environment where grids can share insights securely, optimize energy distribution, and enhance sustainability without compromising user privacy.

Project Codebase

GitHub - sukanyamandal/fuzzy-dollop

Call to Action - Join the Energy Revolution

Together, let's build a more sustainable energy future.

  • Collaboration: Seeking partnerships with energy providers and technology experts.
  • Investment: Inviting investors to support the development and deployment of the platform.
  • Community: Engaging with the community to raise awareness about sustainable energy solutions.

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