Climate Solutions Round

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Aug 2024 12:00 to 21 Aug 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 125000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$12500 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
21 Aug 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Integrate tree data into a decentralized app in Portland, allowing users to adopt trees via NFTs and earn crypto for reporting tree health and growth.
Providing Climate Change Education + Action, and Increasing Climate Resilience for Underserved Communities in Nigeria
Promoting climate education, resilience, and sustainable practices through community-led initiatives, focusing on solar energy, tree planting, clean-ups, and digital skills training in Nigeria.
Wasset protocol incentivizes sustainable waste management through blockchain technology, token rewards, and a circular economy marketplace, addressing global waste challenges and environmental harm.
GreenPill Brasil
Brazil-based initiative promotes socio-environmental regeneration through Web3 technology, enabling impactful community innovation and fostering climate resilience across Brazil and globally.
A DAO focused on uniting and growing the Regen/ReFi movement, creating a vibrant community, and promoting collaborative progress through initiatives like decentralised media platforms and inclusive events.
Please support OpenLitterMap
Developed since 2008, this project maps global litter in real-time and aims to stimulate local zero waste economies using cryptocurrency. Urgent funding is needed to keep it online.
Endangered Tokens DAO: Endangered Trees as ReFi Biodiversity Assets & Public Registry
A community-focused ReFi NFT project incentivizing biodiversity by tokenizing endangered trees, offering real-world impact through preservation and digital asset integration.
ReFi Lagos (#projectOlókun)
Combat deforestation in Nigeria by promoting climate awareness and organizing tree-planting events with local volunteers to reduce GHG emissions and improve biodiversity.
Ecothailand Foundation.
Supporting environment and communities in the Thai Gulf through greenhouse gas reduction, environmental education, tree mapping, and bio waste management with a focus on sustainability.
Ecothailand Foundation.
Supporting Thai Gulf communities, EcoThailand Foundation focuses on Greenhouse Gas reduction, environmental education, tree mapping, bio waste management, and sustainability initiatives.
Decentralized Cleanup
Blockchain-backed initiative rewarding participants for local environmental cleanups, aims for global reach, uses NFTs for verifiable achievements, and seeks funding for platform development and pilot program success.
Scaling-Up Community-Driven Adaptive Capacity and Resilience of Peasants and Artisanal Fishing Community Living around the Threatened Biodiversity Hotspot of Mida Creek
The project aims to enhance climate resilience and sustainable livelihoods for communities around Mida Creek, Kenya, through capacity building, eco-tourism, mangrove restoration, and alternative income strategies.