Anu Initiative
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Anu Initiative, a not-for-profit based in Dublin, provides a transparent platform for tracking donations and contributions, aiming to deliver tangible ecological impact in addressing the global environmental crisis.

Anu Initiative - Web3 in service of Mother Nature


🌱Who are we?

Anu Initiative is a Company Limited by Guarantee (not-for-profit) incorporated in Dublin, Ireland. It was founded by nature lovers to create a positive impact on the planet.

We are NOT another carbon credits based organization! We aim on delivering real, tangible ecological impact.

đź”´Problems Addressed

  1. The global environmental crisis, characterized by unprecedented levels of biodiversity loss, deforestation, climate change, soil degradation, and other challenges, poses a pressing issue for humanity.

  2. Traditional fundraising methods often suffer from issues such as lack of transparency, high operating costs, and a lack of trust, which can limit the effectiveness of efforts to address these challenges.

âť—Lack of transparency and trust- It can be difficult for donors to know how their donations are being used, how much was used for Impact vs. Operations, etc.

âť—Middlemen and overhead cost - A portion of donations may be used to cover operational and administrative expenses.

âť—Potential for fraud - There have been many cases of charity organizations misusing funds or being outright scams.

âť—Limited control - Once a donation is made, the donor typically has no further say in how the funds are used or distributed.

❗Limited or no connection with impact generated - Once a donation is made, the donor typically isn’t made aware of the actual impact generated by their generosity.

đź’ˇ Our Solution

✅We designed a platform that connects the donor with the impact generated by their generosity that provides full transparency and accessibility to track all donations and contributions to the Anu Initiative’s Treasury all the way to Actual Impact generated by our trusty Impact Partners.

âś…By integrating these solutions, Anu Initiative can help overcome the traditional challenges of environmental fundraising and create a robust, transparent, and effective mechanism for environmental impact.

âś…Blockchain Technology for Transparency - Utilize blockchain tech to track donations from the moment they are made until they are spent, and moreover, all the way down to the impact generated. This ensures that donors can see exactly where their money is going and how it is being used, addressing the transparency and trust issues.

âś…Direct Impact Tracking - Develop a system that connects donations to specific projects and outcomes in a live manner. For each project funded, there should be a clear set of expected results, and donors and the public should receive reports on the project's progress and impact. Funded projects should be displayed on a public dashboard.

âś…Reduce Overhead with Technology - Automate various administrative and operational tasks using software to reduce the need for middlemen and cut down on overhead costs. This allows a larger portion of donations to go directly to environmental projects.

âś…Engagement and Feedback Loop - Create a platform where donors can vote on projects they want to support, providing them with control over how their donations are used and fostering a deeper connection with the impact generated.

✅Impact Investment Fund - Establish a fund to invest in startups and technologies that provide ecological benefits, with profits being reinvested into the Anu Initiative’s projects.

✅Feedback and Adaptation - Implement a feedback mechanism where donors, partners, and beneficiaries can suggest improvements to the Anu Initiative’s processes, ensuring that the organization remains responsive and adaptable to the needs of the environment and its stakeholders.



  1. Complete Charity Registration with the Charities Regulator (Ireland) - (in progress)
  2. Register as a Virtual Asset Service Provider with the Central Bank of Ireland (not yet started - pending Charity registration)


  1. Finish the Smart Contract review (in progress)
  2. Finish developing the front-end App (in progress)
  3. Finish developing the Chainlink Oracle (not yet started)

Go-live target date: Q1 of 2025.

🌱Let's take the initiative!

Anu Initiative History

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