Kokonut Network; Perpetual Value Ecosystem
average score over 6 application evaluations
Eco-friendly blockchain ecosystem connecting web3 and agriculture to develop, fund, and manage syntropic plantations through a DAO, aiming to support underserved farmers and create perpetual natural assets.

Wouldn’t it be nice to create a proactive perpetual framework backed by natural assets unrelated to the crypto market, and eco-friendly and regenerative?

Personal Introduction 🧬

TL;DR 🗒️

Kokonut Network leverages blockchain and open-source accounting to create a community-owned network of nature-based sustainable assets. Our mission is to encourage, organize, fund, and oversee purpose-based Syntropic Farms.

Kokonut Network forges a partnership with its members through the Kokonut Framework, utilizing a combination of Agriculture, Blockchain, Land, and Weather. This synergy has no expiration date because coconut trees are replanted when they cease to bear fruits.

Table of Contents 📜

  1. Major Updates since #GG20 (April 2024 to August 2024)
  2. Environmental Impact in the past 90 days
  3. What’s Coming Next in Kokonut Network Q4-2024
  4. This is what you’re helping bring to life 🌱
  5. Why Kokonut Network?
  6. Regenerative Agriculture; 8 Forms of Capital
  7. Kokonut Ecosystem Climate Impact
  8. Unlimited Scaling
  9. Our Unique Vision
  10. Resources 🧰

Major Updates since #GG20 📰

  1. Kokonut Genesis Official Launch
  2. Building Kokonut Genesis Bio-factory; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 "The Finale"
  3. Launched the API-ready Kokonut Data Hub to handle our farms day-to-day operations
  4. For a comprehensive up-to-date report on our milestones since 2022, check our Karma GAP Profile

Social Media Highlights 🗞️

Latest community generated articles, blog posts & newsletters 📲

Environmental Impact in the past 90 days

We measure CH4 emissions from our agricultural activities using various methods. The Kokonut Framework involves collecting seaweed for planting and organizing beach cleanups, which helps restore marine habitats and reduce oceanic trash. So far, we’ve collected 35 bags of wet seaweed, each weighing 20-30kg, with a 4:1 wet to dry ratio.

Our Kokonut Genesis Bio-factory produces 100% organic fertilizers for our 163 acres of managed land, using 800kg of manure to enhance soil resilience. We also integrate 7 tree species to improve soil health and water retention. Regenerative practices sequester around 0.4 to 1.2 metric tons of carbon per acre annually, estimating 130.96 metric tons of carbon sequestered per year once we reach our full capacity for the land we have under management at the time of writing.

What's Coming Next in Kokonut Network Q4-2024

  • Kokonut Genesis as a Community Organic Agriculture Training Site
  • Kokonut Venus Farm; 100% women-based leadership to grow beyond fruits & vegetables
  • Kokonut Green Paper "Request for Comments" Version
  • Kokonut V1 Farm Fundraise & Launch Campaign

This is what you're helping bring to life 🌱

Kokonut Venus 👠 - Six Dimensions of Impact ♻️

  1. WHAT – The objective is to test our thesis by building and developing syntropic plantations via a community-centric model, which intersects real-life communities, web3 communities, and global culture. The outcome of this investment will create a perpetual asset that will improve people's lives in every aspect.
  2. WHO – The families who own the land where the project will be developed are underserved in every aspect, including education, finances, health, and opportunities. In Latin America, jobs and the economy mainly function in big cities, and the countryside is typically marginalized or taken advantage of by large corporations. A blockchain-based co-op can help remove many of these barriers.
  3. HOW MUCH – Approximately 3 families own the land for Kokonut Venus a 100% women-based leadership syntropic farm with 60+ direct beneficiaries looking to expand beyond fruits & vegetable by also producing organic eggs, and the project will create dozens of direct and indirect jobs. This will be life-changing for everyone, as it will provide opportunities and value for at least 10 years.
  4. CONTRIBUTION – Underserved individuals depend on these types of projects and new concepts that open doors to new paradigms and possibilities. The current system's criteria and entry-level are very high, making it difficult for those who cannot meet their standards.
  5. RISK – We have several fail safes in place, such as agricultural insurance, open-source cloud accounting systems, government and community oversight, and technical support from government agencies.
  6. PUBLIC GOODS – Kokonut Venus Farm will be allocating 10% of its net profits as donations toward Asociacion de Mujeres Saladilleras AMUSA (100% Women-based Local Cooperative) which the manager of Kokonut Venus is the Director and Kokonut Foundation to further help with their mission.

Why Kokonut Network? 🌴

In essence, Kokonut Network serves as the coordination layer that harnesses the power of web3 and open-source technologies to craft an adaptable organism capable of limitless expansion, thanks to its modular plug-and-play design framework.

Every component of our network is crafted in alignment with our core values.

Our commitment extends to safeguarding the interests of minorities through a holistic approach.

Why coconuts? 🥥

Zero Waste & Circular Crop ♻️

Coconut is the most cultivated and vital palm tree in the world, as it is the main source of vegetable fat. It is one of the plants that provide a wide variety of products and by-products, serving as a primary source of food, drinks, and shelter for animals.

The coconut products market size was valued at $11.5 billion in 2018 and is estimated to reach $31.1 billion by 2026, registering a CAGR of 13.6% from 2019 to 2026. In 2018, the coconut oil segment accounted for more than half of the total coconut products market share.

Coconut is a versatile fruit with many health, environmental and biodiversity benefits.

Regenerative Agriculture; 8 Forms of Capital

Value Creation in a Community-Owned Syntropic Farm

8 Forms Diagram.png

Kokonut Ecosystem Climate Impact

We’re developing a hybrid framework to create positive community-centric impact, addressing systemic issues in underserved areas and enhancing climate resilience. Our approach focuses on sustainable solutions that improve daily lives and provide incentives without deforestation.

EBF Framework

We will track and report environmental and social impacts using the EBF Framework. Our reports, published via Karma GAP, will ensure long-term compatibility within the ReFi and Climate communities.

The Kokonut Framework significantly contributes to air, soil, biodiversity, equity, and carbon benefits.

Unlimited Scaling - Kokonut Framework Use Case; Public Goods powered by Trees 🌳


Our Vision 🔭

Kokonut Network was created to reduce the obstacles to agricultural development, rural project funding, and democratize investment in real-world projects. We use blockchain technology to establish plantations, creating opportunities for the global web3 communities and everyone in the network.

What makes us different: There are many DAOs with great ideas, copywriting, and marketing, but without a solid business model. Unfortunately, many of these projects are rug-pulled or abandoned by users due to lack of a quality product.

Main Resources 🔖


Thank you for reading. Follow our journey on Twitter @KokonutNetwork

Kokonut Network; Perpetual Value Ecosystem History

People donating to Kokonut Network; Perpetual Value Ecosystem, also donated to

Developing an Ecological Benefits Framework (EBF) to align carbon markets with broader ecological benefits such as air, water, soil, biodiversity, and equity through stakeholder collaboration and three key tools: Activator, Common Language, and Storytelling.
Implement a biomass gasifier to produce biochar for a regenerative agriculture project in Portugal, enhancing soil health and carbon sequestration with an aim to issue carbon credits.
Developing a climate-positive mobile school/home bus and Web3 Neighborhood Governance program for peer-governed, regenerative smart cities, including eco-technology research and implementations.
Engage the Koh Phangan community in regenerative finance and sustainability through events, NFTs for environmental initiatives, cleanups, and educational outreach, while planning a recycling project, Re:Plast, to convert plastic waste into valuable products.