Funding the Commons

$1,562.59 crowdfunded from 148 people

$1,818.11 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Initiative focused on fostering a community and ecosystem for funding public goods across different sectors, through events, partnerships, and integrating funding platforms.

Funding the Commons (FtC) originated as an event series aiming to cultivate a public goods community spanning across the spectrum, including Web2, Web3, research, philanthropy, government, and industry.

Its primary focus is the fostering of innovative public goods funding mechanisms. By leveraging the FtC community, brand, events, extensive resources from key partners, and a growing builder community, the organization aims to establish a sustainable PGF ecosystem, and shape the discourse around public goods funding. This involves integrating existing public goods funding platforms to build a cohesive infrastructure, allocating resources effectively, and incubating innovative projects.

Our current focus is to bootstrap a virtuous cycle of builders creating and integrating public goods funding infrastructure, and leveraging that infrastructure, in addition to the infrastructure of leading PGF protocols, to fund the next wave of builders.

Funding the Commons History

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