average score over 1 application evaluations
Annual project facilitating a month of co-created learning and community-building for builders, founders, and remote workers in culturally rich locations, aiming for expansion in Brazil in 2024.

BYOC (Build Your Own Community) is an annual project designed to bring groups of builders, founders and remote workers to culturally novel locations for one month of co-created learning, community-building, and shared experience making.

We have successfully run events every year for the past 4 years, including:

  • 2021 Oaxaca, Mexico
  • 2022 San Juan, Puerto Rico (this was a crypto summer camp, with emphasis on introduction to blockchain concepts and technology and local engagement)
  • 2023 Essaouira, Morocco
  • 2024: Guatape, Colombia (starts February)

At each BYOC the core team is responsible for choosing and booking the primary gathering point for the community for coworking and providing basic structure such as shared meals, day excursions and transport guidance. Housing is primarily decentralized with people self-sorting into Airbnbs based on the length of their stay, their interests and budget. Events are almost entirely co-created by attendees and are very diverse, including morning runs, roundtables, book clubs, hack sessions, and everything in between.

A number of our attendees from 2023 attended Zuzalu as well, including Timour Kosters, Sam Gbafa, Cassie Shih, Tomas Ruta, and Lane Kauder.

Our goal with this funding round would be to run a larger BYOC founder village and expand on our model of decentralized organization and emphasis on co-creation of events. We are planning to organize it in Chapada Diamantina, Brazil, in fall 2024.

Website with more info: https://www.notion.so/BYOC-2024-18dc85ebfa8a4343b8a9a7df7c9c7f5e?pvs=4

BYOC History

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