🌎 What is ReCommon?
ReCommon is dedicated to building systems for regenerative community land acquisition and governance, using an adaptive bioregional framework.
We approach this work on the pattern-level to create innovative yet grounded solutions that reflect foundational principles in nature. The resulting legal templates and governance protocols are then adapted to place, becoming increasingly decentralized, maintaining interoperability, and cultivating systemic resiliency.
ReCommon is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit located in Colorado.
✅ What have we been working on recently?
- We desiged and are officially launching our brand new community space to coincide with GG20! Join today to connect with others in your bioregion and across the world to start dreaming up and joining forces on exciting regenerative place-based initiatives.
- We’ve been deepening relationships with aligned capital parters and impact investors to structure the ReCommon Trust, a fund to acquire land for regenerative community development and bioregional governance.
- We’ve also been in discussion and planning with strategic partners for the first large-scale bioregional regenerative community development initiative to begin.
- A talented GIS student from University of Colorado Denver joined ReCommon as bioregional mapping summer intern to assist with building the mapping component of the ReCommon Platform.
- We are in the process of forming two new entities - ReCommon Labs and ReCommon Trust - to focus specifically on technology and land investment/acquisition, respectively. ReCommon Foundation, our current 501c3 nonprofit, will continue to focus on governance.
🌊 What’s launching soon?
- Early versions of the ReCommon Platform for bioregional dashboards, impact data, governance and more.
- Articles on bioregionalism, a new land commons, regenerative community development and more…
- Exciting speakers and educational offerings through our new online community space.
- More details on the flagship land project implementation with the ReCommon ecosystem.
🌱 Where do we hope to be a year from now?
- ReCommon Trust will have land acquired for the first at-scale bioregional initiative(s) with master-planning underway.
- ReCommon Labs is experimenting various web3 mechanisms including on-chain leaseholds and land access agreements, auto-distribution of funds to Bioregional Node treasuries, voting mechanisms, and more.
- ReCommon Foundation will have a full set of legal templates for access and use land in Trust, including leaseholds for housing, agriculture, regeneration, conservation, business, and civic structures/utilities.
🧙 Who is ReCommon?
The core team at ReCommon is Alex Corren and Chris Giersch - both located in Colorado, USA.
Our board of directors is Charlie Dubbe, Eduardo Esparza, Caroline Aubry, and Josh Burtnett - located across North America.
We work with a network of partners including Blue Dot Project and Regen Earth Studio.
☀️ Learn More
- visit our website recommon.land
- connect on X @recommon_land
- join our community! community.recommon.land
Big thank you to all our supporters in the Gitcoin community! 🙏
ReCommon History
accepted into Climate Round 10 months ago.