Masterminding Eden - Visionary Village

Masterminding Eden - Visionary Village

Multidisciplinary mastermind to design a regenerative, self-sustaining city for climate resilience and future wellbeing, incorporating advanced technologies and holistic community values.
Applied on: 22 Apr 2024 10:44 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 22 Apr 2024 11:01 PM
Integrate $EARTH into their projects or build on $EARTH
The project expresses a willingness to use $EARTH and is open to suggestions, but there is no clear plan or current integration outlined in the project description.
Use $EARTH to reward actions within their community that are aligned with our mission - Make anthropogenic climate change history, vision - Seed the Solarpunk paradigm
While the project aligns with solarpunk values and mission, it is not explicitly stated that they will use $EARTH to reward actions within their community.
Committed to becoming an $EARTH NODE
The project does not mention any commitment to becoming an $EARTH NODE or any current status as one.
Creating utility for $EARTH
The project suggests potential use-cases for $EARTH in their event, but no concrete plans or utilities for $EARTH have been developed or integrated at this stage.