Powering Climate Solutions: Refi Bolivia at the Helm
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Refi Bolivia, formed by the Ethereum Bolivia community, targets impactful climate action in Bolivia by using technology to engage volunteers and activists in clean-up campaigns and educational blockchain workshops.

#Project Description (what is the project about and what kind of impact does it aim to have?)

Refi Bolivia, born from the vibrant Ethereum Bolivia community, takes the lead in this grant proposal, teaming up with Ethereum Bolivia to drive impactful climate solutions in Bolivia. This partnership is pivotal in expanding our outreach and involving environmental volunteers and activists through technology, amplifying our impact across cities.


Refi Bolivia, with its roots in the Ethereum Bolivia community, spearheads efforts to supercharge climate solutions in Bolivia. Teaming up with Ethereum Bolivia, we're leveraging technology to mobilize volunteers and activists, fostering collaboration and driving real change

What we’ve achieved

As a nascent node nurtured by the Ethereum Bolivia community, Refi Bolivia has already established a Refi local node through the Refi Node Incubator. This partnership lays a solid foundation for future endeavors, ensuring accountability and transparency in all our activities.

Our regular activities

We are focused on:

  • Mobilizing resources and expertise within the Ethereum Bolivia community, and crafting team for the node.
  • Leveraging technology to engage environmental volunteers and activists across cities.
  • Provide guidance and support to local environmental projects to harness the potential of blockchain and web3 technology to enhance their impact.


We're seeking funding to:

  • Execute monthly clean-up campaigns and blockchain workshops, reaching diverse audiences.
  • Provide essential gear for participants, ensuring safety and efficiency in our operations.
  • Distribute educational materials and resources, amplifying our impact far and wide.


Cecilia Contreras: Co-founder of Refi Bolivia and an integral part of the Ethereum Bolivia community. Her expertise as an architect, beekeeper, and entrepreneur drives innovation.

Freddy Chambi: Co-founder of Refi Bolivia, bringing technical prowess as a Systems Engineer/Web3 Developer. His dedication to blockchain technology fuels our progress.

Powering Climate Solutions: Refi Bolivia at the Helm History

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