Derrek, The Loud

Derrek, The Loud

Revamping Smart Invoice tool for grants and growing a hackathon community to engage with sponsors' technology, with a focus on open-source development and community building.
Applied on: 8 Nov 2023 02:08 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 05:09 PM
Raid Guild V3 DAO member
The project description states 'I've been a RaidGuild member since season 2' which indicates that the project owner is a member of the Raid Guild.
Application accepted by the Guild via consensus in meetings or fora.
There is no explicit information confirming whether the application was accepted by consensus during meetings or fora.
Nomination accepted by the Guild and the nominee via consensus in meetings or other fora.
The information provided does not specify whether a nomination was made and accepted by consensus in meetings or other fora.